New Tiled Terrain Scene Node [works with Irr 1.5]
Hi Arras, i'm using the scene node for a while, but my fps are always low...
I had poor video card (nVidia GeForce 7300Le) and my fps were 15... now i have an Ati hd2600XT Dx10 GDDR4 and my fps are 25... what could it be??
My pc is a Pentium Dual Core 2.8 Ghz, 1 Gb Ram (2x512 533Mhz) with the Ati video Card... what could it be?
EDIT: One more data... the terrain is scaled for a really.. really... really large size.... i don't remember how much right now... but have in mind that my terrain is really huge... i suppose this couldn't be a problem because it always render the size amount of terrain, so... but i think it's good information for you.
I had poor video card (nVidia GeForce 7300Le) and my fps were 15... now i have an Ati hd2600XT Dx10 GDDR4 and my fps are 25... what could it be??
My pc is a Pentium Dual Core 2.8 Ghz, 1 Gb Ram (2x512 533Mhz) with the Ati video Card... what could it be?
EDIT: One more data... the terrain is scaled for a really.. really... really large size.... i don't remember how much right now... but have in mind that my terrain is really huge... i suppose this couldn't be a problem because it always render the size amount of terrain, so... but i think it's good information for you.
A caos world where only the strongest lives, weak is not an option... you must fight.. Nokturna!!
Hi varholl,
Your hardware should be OK. I run it on my old laptop at preatty nice FPS. Demo runs at about 600 for example.
Can you post your terrain initiation code? ...I would be interested what walues you insert in this line:
Also howe much FPS can you get running my demo?
Your hardware should be OK. I run it on my old laptop at preatty nice FPS. Demo runs at about 600 for example.
Can you post your terrain initiation code? ...I would be interested what walues you insert in this line:
Code: Select all
ShTlTerrainSceneNode* terrain = new ShTlTerrainSceneNode(smgr, width, height, size, msize);
Hey arras simple question. If I wanted to increase/decrease the view distance, which values should I change? I am guessing I should add to the meshsize and subtract from the normal size?
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View distance is set by mesh size and tile size.
Mesh size is defined in tiles, thats why also tilesize.
Formula basicly is:
view distance = mesh size * tilesize / 2
So if you want to decrease distance in which terrain is rendered you have two possibilities:
1. decrease mesh size
2. decrease tile size
Size of whole terrain (second and third argument in constructor) have no influecne on view distance.
Mesh size is defined in tiles, thats why also tilesize.
Formula basicly is:
view distance = mesh size * tilesize / 2
So if you want to decrease distance in which terrain is rendered you have two possibilities:
1. decrease mesh size
2. decrease tile size
Size of whole terrain (second and third argument in constructor) have no influecne on view distance.
on my x2 2.5ghz with 2gb ddr2-866 and 7600gt i get
50fps on opengl windowed, 70 fps on DX windowed
and about 550 on both in fullscreen....
why the big jump from windowed to fullscreen i wonder?
50fps on opengl windowed, 70 fps on DX windowed
and about 550 on both in fullscreen....
why the big jump from windowed to fullscreen i wonder?
Its because your computer is doing less work rendering the windows of the operating system and focusing all its time on the current app.
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Hey, great job!
One problem though... Do you know why this isn't making the terrain repeat? (It does it a few times then stops)
One problem though... Do you know why this isn't making the terrain repeat? (It does it a few times then stops)
Code: Select all
#include <irrlicht.h>
using namespace irr;
#include "ShTlTerrainSceneNode.h"
#include "MCamera.h"
#include "MInput.h"
int main()
MyEventReceiver receiver;
IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(video::EDT_DIRECT3D9, core::dimension2d<s32>(800, 600), 32, false, false, false, &receiver);
video::IVideoDriver *driver = device->getVideoDriver();
scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
ITimer* timer = device->getTimer();
// set atributes of terrain
s32 terrainWidth = 255;
s32 terrainHeight = 255;
s32 meshSize = 100;
f32 tileSize = 1;
core::vector3df terrainPos(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// create terrain scene node
ShTlTerrainSceneNode* terrain = new ShTlTerrainSceneNode(smgr, terrainWidth, terrainHeight, tileSize, meshSize);
driver->setFog(video::SColor(255,100,101,140), true, tileSize*meshSize/4, tileSize*(meshSize-4)/2, 0.05f);
// load height data from texture
terrain->loadHeightMap("../media/terrain-heightmap.bmp", 10);
// load color map
// set detail texture
terrain->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("../media/grass_1.bmp"));
// smooth normals
terrain->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
// setup camera
MCameraFPS camera(smgr);
camera.setPosition(core::vector3df(terrainWidth*tileSize/2, 0, terrainHeight*tileSize/2) + terrainPos);
// set terrain to follow camera
// movement speed per second
f32 speed = 10.0f * tileSize;
f32 turn = 0.1f;
// time
f32 time = 0;
f32 oldtime;
// time between frames
f32 deltaT;
driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(255,100,101,140));
// calculate time between frames
oldtime = time;
time = (f32)timer->getTime() / 1000.0f;
deltaT = time - oldtime;
// camera movement control
if(key.pressed(KEY_KEY_W)) camera.moveForward(speed * deltaT);
if(key.pressed(KEY_KEY_S)) camera.moveBack(speed * deltaT);
if(key.pressed(KEY_KEY_D)) camera.moveRight(speed * deltaT);
if(key.pressed(KEY_KEY_A)) camera.moveLeft(speed * deltaT);
// mouse directional control
camera.turnRight(50 * (device->getCursorControl()->getRelativePosition().X - 0.5f));
camera.turnUp(50 * (device->getCursorControl()->getRelativePosition().Y - 0.5f));
device->getCursorControl()->setPosition(0.5f, 0.5f);
// camera height control
if (mouse.wheel < 10) mouse.wheel = 10;
camera.setHeight( mouse.wheel/10 + terrain->getHeight(camera.getPosition()) );
// intersection with line test
core::vector3df v = camera.getDirection();
v = v * camera.getFarValue();
v = v + camera.getPosition();
core::line3d<f32> line = core::line3d<f32>(camera.getPosition(), v);
core::vector3df intersection;
//if(terrain->getIntersectionWithLine(line, intersection) )
return 0;
There is nothing in that code that will make the terrain repeat.
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Raygoe >> thanks.
I am not sure what do you mean by "making the terrain repeat". As BlindSide wrote, terrain do not repeat itself and there is nothing in your code which does.
I think by repeat you mean shift. If yes then it would "repeat itself" only until you reach border. Your terrain is 255x255 tiles large and 100x100 tiles area is actually rendered. Means your terrain is relatively small and it do not take lot of time to reach its border. (In comparison in my demo terrain is 2000x2000 tiles large.)
I am not sure what do you mean by "making the terrain repeat". As BlindSide wrote, terrain do not repeat itself and there is nothing in your code which does.
I think by repeat you mean shift. If yes then it would "repeat itself" only until you reach border. Your terrain is 255x255 tiles large and 100x100 tiles area is actually rendered. Means your terrain is relatively small and it do not take lot of time to reach its border. (In comparison in my demo terrain is 2000x2000 tiles large.)
No restrictions, code is free to use and modify. Some small credit wont hurt of course 
Few people already did some modification to my code, you can look at elvman's work for example.

Few people already did some modification to my code, you can look at elvman's work for example.