A basic physic environement based on newton. I like the design pretty much, could be a good starting point for any application that will use Irrlicht and a physic engine. I had a problem with the OnDestroy event and joints are not implemented. The OnDestroy event sould be solved with a quick post in the newton forum, the joints stuff is something i will work if i get some sparetime

Some cool SceneNodes a explosion node (you may want to add a SizeAnimator here, will look much better). Furthermore some other things, that may be good for a look at.
The last thing i was working on was the player class with its armament but the design i used to have was bad. Ill do something better (in my sparetime

So how is all the stuff supposed to work. Well, you can have a look at the docu directory there is a doxygen generated documentation.
Short explantion:
There is a physic manager and some nodes. Each node can un/register itself to the physic manager and is now affected by physics and receives all the events coming from the physic manager. There is also a nice material setup you might want to have a read through, its quite powerful.
If you have any questions about the source send me a mail Friedrich.Schick@web.de or post it as a answer to that thread.
Be sure to have the newton and the irrlicht sdk installed.
Here is the download http://www.bluffel.de.vu/files
It will probably take 30 minutes from my post until you can download the file, due t-online my provider.