The event reciever was fixed, the examples were updated(sadly i was dumb enough to make some of the paths static to my folder. lol ,
also the texures[0] -> texturelayer[0].texture thing (Smaterial as stated) was resolved too.
You need to check the vertex type and convert the pointer like this:
thats right raymond thanks for the input, i am updating this into the fixes as well, as well as some changes concerning the materials (ie, presets, wood,water, sand, grass,road) etc...
Do you have plans for (simple) vehicles support.
by the way,
Controllable Physics Node -> its in the tumle classes, its a "simple" vehicle. Depending on the types of materials u assign the floor and the wheels it works really well. Have a look at the examples.
JonLT : I am not nhijacking your project
im adding some stuff i hope thats ok, Ill catch u on msn soon and explain some changes and additions im working on, some including ragdoll, vehicles (auto managed through model tags, ie : wheel1 in the mesh is seperate but automatically gets made into a wheel etc)
This isnt really a priority its just a really neat physics wrapper...