Lets get one fact straight: There are 2 versions of OpenAL++ floating around. Use the latest, its what we'll be writing with.
(Note: the latest is not the version that shows up on a google search for openalpp tut.)
First things first, get your libraries, set up your project, and link Irrlicht and openalpp. The pure link command is “-lopenalpp”.
Here's our include:
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#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <alpp/alpp.h>
#include <openalpp/alpp.h>
//depending on your folder structure
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//bring in the most common irrlicht namespaces
using namespace irr;
using namespace video;
using namespace scene;
using namespace core;
//and the openal++ namespace:
using namespace openalpp;
Now lets start with the main:
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int main()
IrrlichtDevice* device = createDevice(); //use the default device driver
ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager(); //get a scene manager
IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver(); //get a driver
We need to setup a main sound environment:
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AudioEnvironment* env = new AudioEnvironment();
Lets do a little more Irrlicht calls. we'll make a generic cube, and give it a fly straight animator to notice the 3d sound environment. We'll also add a static camera to view the scene;
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ISceneNode* box = smgr->addCubeSceneNode();
ISceneNodeAnimator* fly = smgr->createFlyStraightAnimator(vector3df(-15,0,10), vector3df(15,0,10), 10000, true);
ICameraSceneNode* cam = smgr->addCameraSceneNode();
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Listener* listener = new Listener();
vector3df cam_pos = cam->getPosition();
vector3df cam_up = cam->getUpVector();
vector3df cam_look = cam->getTarget();
listener->setPosition(cam_pos.X, cam_pos.Y, cam_pos.Z);
listener->setOrientation(cam_look.X, cam_look.Y, cam_look.Z, cam_up.X, cam_up.Y, cam_up.Z);
Now we can setup a Sound source. This is pretty much straight forward.
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Source* sound = new Source("sound.wav");
vector3df box_pos = box->getPosition();
sound->setPosition(box_pos.X, box_pos.Y, box_pos.Z);
Now we need a few more bits of data, a timer, and a few float time variables to determine "deltaTime" (i'll call it dTime)
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float dTime = 0.001, oldTime = 0, newTime = 0;
ITimer Time = device->getTimer();
vector3df velocity, box_pos_old = box->getPosition();
Now for our Main Loop. First we need to take care of modifying the velocity.
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box_pos = box->getPosition();
newTime = Time->getTime();
dTime = (newTime - oldTime) / 1000; //see note 1
velocity = (box_pos - box_pos_old) / dTime;
sound->setPosition(box_pos.X, box_pos.Y, box_pos.Z);
sound->setVelocity(velocity.X, velocity.Y, velocity.Z); //see note 2
driver->beginScene(true,true,SColor(255,0,0,255)); //blue background
oldTime = Time->getTime();
box_pos_old = box->getPosition();
*NOTE2: If you plan on having a moving listener, there's a "setVelocity" function there as well.
Now for cleanup. If your using the latest version of OpenAL++, you'll get horrible errors if you try to use 'not-pointers'. So we do this the fun way:
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return 0;
Remember, OpenAL++, just like OpenAL, and also like OpenGL, uses a left-handed coordinate system. It's up to you the user to determine what efforts are necessary to get it working perfectly. Usually you should only need to tweek simple things.
Gain is Volume. If you can't hear it, increase the gain. If its too loud, decrease. If you still are having trouble, modify the AudioEnvironment's Gain. Its the Master Volume in a sense. Sounds can be made ambient and not require a listener or positioning.
Lastly, OpenAL++ by default can load .ogg files, and play uncompressed and vorbis compressed .avi audio.
Code Happy!