I have a cannon, a gun any weapon or(no weapon) and I know that this weapon shoot a projectil from one hole. For practicity the bullet start its trajectory in the edge of this hole.
So, how do you obtain this initial position?
What I am doing now:
Find the position in the modeler, loaded with the file resource associeted to this object and then apply transforation according to the object actual transforamtions.
But this is not only that, I need the direction of fire which again, depends on the actual transformation of the weapon.
So again I need a INITIAL direcation (the one in which the model is loaded) and the I transform this vector to the apropied actual direction before shoot.
This works but I don't like it because you depend on the exact initianilzation of the models from the modeler and then the correct loading.
I would like to obtain this points withoug worry about which initial rotation or transformation that has my object in the modeller or initial loading, at same applyes for the direction shoot.
Is is possible doing this?
What do you do for solving this?
2) Anyone knows any powder-dust scene node

I need it for the vehicle wheels.
Thanks in advance.