A lightmap for a piece of wall is blue on the left side and becomes more green every pixel to the right. When I use the lightmap on a texture, the texture is lighted only with the same blue.
The lightmap is smaller then the texture and I use a different color format:
Texture: 64x96 Pixels, A8R8G8B8
Lightmap: 8x12 Pixels, R8G8B8
Is this the problem?
I have added the lightmap texture to the material as the second material texture (index 1) and the normal texture as index 0. The material type is EMT_LIGHTMAP.
Here you can see what I mean:
On this picture you can see 4 pieces of a wall with the same base texture and 4 different lightmaps. The lightmaps are all colored in one color but the texture of the lightmap isn't.
Thanks for help.