I've been toying a bit with the last SVN, this is what i got after being able to compile the beta 1.5 (It is in the 1933, i updated to 1934, but it seems nothing changed since then)
In example 19, Joystick support is working ("logitech dual action", 12 buttons 4 axes, both non vibrating and vibrating models correctly detected and working), although, it seems it doesn't calibrate well when to stop, or perhaps the sensibility of the axes is too high, because when i saw the test in action, after leaving alone the controller, the arrow kept moving. Although this is basic implementation, i guess it is good to have some feedback.
I've found a .LWO model that won't load in the mesh viewer. But it is an old LW 5.5 model. On the other hand, LW 9 modeller models load well, so, it is advisable that people don't use old LWO models.
string operator + doesn't work well with other objects like simple integers. this is the original code i had written
Code: Select all
video::IImage* image = device->getVideoDriver()->createScreenShot();
u32 i=0; //an index to diferenciate the screenshots
core::stringc screenshot= "./Screenshots/SCREENSHOT"; //directory for screenshots storage
core::stringc ext= ".bmp"; //extension used for the screenshots
if (image)
while(device->getFileSystem()->existFile((screenshot+i+ext).c_str())){ //check if the file named "screenshot+i+ext" exists
i++; //if so, increment i
//"screenshot+i+.bmp" won't overwrite another existent.
device->getVideoDriver()->writeImageToFile(image, (screenshot+i+ext).c_str()); //there we go...!
return true;
and this was the errors shown, disabling that, compilation was flawless.
Code: Select all
g++.exe -c src/game.cpp -o obj/game.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/Irrlicht/irrKlang-1.0.4/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/Irrlicht/Irrlicht-1.5/include" -s -O3src/game.cpp: In member function `virtual bool game::OnEvent(const irr::SEvent&)':
src/game.cpp:136: error: no match for 'operator+' in 'screenshot + i'
C:/Dev-Cpp/Irrlicht/Irrlicht-1.5/include/irrString.h:265: note: candidates are: irr::core::string<T, irr::core::irrAllocator<T> > irr::core::string<T, TAlloc>::operator+(const irr::core::string<T, irr::core::irrAllocator<T> >&) const [with T = irr::c8, TAlloc = irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::c8>]
src/game.cpp:139: error: no match for 'operator+' in 'screenshot + i'
C:/Dev-Cpp/Irrlicht/Irrlicht-1.5/include/irrString.h:265: note: candidates are: irr::core::string<T, irr::core::irrAllocator<T> > irr::core::string<T, TAlloc>::operator+(const irr::core::string<T, irr::core::irrAllocator<T> >&) const [with T = irr::c8, TAlloc = irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::c8>]
src/game.cpp:141: error: no match for 'operator+' in 'screenshot + i'
C:/Dev-Cpp/Irrlicht/Irrlicht-1.5/include/irrString.h:265: note: candidates are: irr::core::string<T, irr::core::irrAllocator<T> > irr::core::string<T, TAlloc>::operator+(const irr::core::string<T, irr::core::irrAllocator<T> >&) const [with T = irr::c8, TAlloc = irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::c8>]
directX .x files play their animations too fast by default.
Transition animation checked and flickering in Irrlicht beta 1.5 (svn 1933) is still present

Someone pointed that around frame 40 there was a trouble. And i've noticed the same, around frame 40 of a .X animation the mesh flickers. It won't happen in another frame intervals, seemingly. I haven't tested another bone animated formats though. Not obstant, i think i can point a possible source of the trouble. Testing the animations, i noticed that when zooming in the view, there were moments in which the model simply, dissapeared from the scene, and couldn't be seen anymore, from certain angles of view, which points, IMO, to a possible trouble with the bounding box updating when playing the animations in the Transition mode. In other modes, it will work fine, at any zoom level.
Keep it up!

"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt