Hi downloaded your 2008 version and it crahs on Vista.
Here is the output of the window:
Declension Engine initialized
Irrlicht.NET CP v0.9.0.0 running
System.BadImageFormatException: Tentative de chargement d'un programme de format
incorrect. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x8007000B)
à IrrlichtNETCP.IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(DriverType type, Int32[] dim, Int
32 bits, Boolean full, Boolean stencil, Boolean vsync, Boolean antialias)
à IrrlichtNETCP.IrrlichtDevice..ctor(DriverType type, Dimension2D dim, Int32
bits, Boolean fullscreen, Boolean stencil, Boolean vsync, Boolean antialias)
à Project_Declension.Engine..ctor() dans C:\Users\Jing Quan\Documents\Visual
Studio 2008\Projects\Project Declension 2008\Project Declension 2008\Engine.cs:l
igne 93
Youre using IrrlichtNETCP? For the project?
I think this could surely be related that my new machine is running Vista 64bit...
Seem to want to load an "program" image format but on my system it's not valid. (System.BadImageFormatException)