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Post by noals »

name : noals alias julien
location : im french, living near lille (north of france)
age : im 26 or 27, im not sure, i dont really care and since my birthday was the 25/04 i get confused lol.
languages : i speak french and english how i can
hobbies : game creation and music, i play guitare, a little piano, drum, etc.. i also do some music with my comp with progs like reason if you know
job : professionnal time killer

for the little story, a while ago, i started to do a mmorpg game design.
i wanted to do a mmo but with some kind of collision for fighting phase so with an action type gameplay.
i learned to use a little 3DSmax to make my own model.
i was writing/making all my idea about quest, gameplay, worldmap, etc...
example :
i bought a torque licence and tryed stuff but since the only collision solution i found wasnt really at my liking, since im really a noob in programming and since torque was a pain for me, i kinda gave up for the time being.

now, im making my own guitar but since i was kinda still boring waiting for pieces,... i restarted my 3D model.
then i learned about texturing, uv mapping
then i learned about animation, biped, through i dont get it all yet to edit some anims
then i wanted to put my model in some rendering engine.
i have torque but i really have bad memories of it so i first wanted to try quake3 engine, crystal space but dunno, it wasnt my destiny to use them lol and then i tryed irrlicht so here i am.

im still a noob at programming but well, irrlicht is kinda more simple to use, undertandable, so now, i try to make a gameplay demo for the mmo project i have in mind.

i dont really know what name i will use if my project goes somewhere but i like this pic. ^^
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Post by rogerborg »

I'm a little goblin
See my little feet
See my little nosey-wose
Isn't the goblin sweet?


I'm a little goblin
See my little feet...

Come on, sing along.
Please upload candidate patches to the tracker.
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Post by twilight17 »

See my little nosey-wose
Isn't the goblin sweet?
Post this userbar I made on other websites to show your support for Irrlicht!
http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/1261 ... wernq4.png
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Post by MasterGod »

Dev State: Abandoned (For now..)
Requirements Analysis Doc: ~87%
UML: ~0.5%
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Post by twilight17 »

MG you missed a whole part
I'm a little goblin
See my little feet
See my little nosey-wose
Isn't the goblin sweet?
:shock: :lol:
Post this userbar I made on other websites to show your support for Irrlicht!
http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/1261 ... wernq4.png
tao kuei
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Post by tao kuei »

Hey all, Tao Kuei here. I have very little programming experience especially in C++, but I have done some stuff in the most BASIC language :oops: , I'm used to working with Blender 3D and I've tried working with endorphine.

I would like to create an engine that is specific to my needs, perhaps one that is easy for others to use as well.
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Post by benny53 »

I'm Ben. I'm 17. I know C/C++, C#, Java, VB, and some basic programming languages I'm not to proud of...
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Post by piiichan »

I am 16 years old.

I know a bit of c++.
But I'd like to make a good game, like World of Warcraft 2, but also make it better.
And I also want to make my own 3d engine with all the best visual effects and very easy to use.
And I also started working on a new gameplay that will revolutionize the game industry, but I keep it secret because it is worth a lot of money.
And ... oh yeah, I am thinking of designing a new operating system, because Windblows is too bad, full of bugs, so I want to make an OS everybody will like and use.

If you want more details, send me a message, and we can discuss more about it.
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Location: Kaysville, UT

Post by VENATOR »

My name is Aaron
I'm 19
I live in UT, USA
I'm a quality assurance tech at a software company that makes client tracking systems for credit repair law firms. Its a very boring job. Do a bit of java stuff and ALLOT of SQL though.
I've been interested in game design since I was about 12, but I have little programming, modeling etc skill. That said, I think I'm pretty good at the design aspect, and with Irrlicht, maybe I'll finally get something made.
I started working on a computer science degree at 15, but I've switched my major a few times since then (right now its political science, don't ask why..). In the few years of school I did back then I learned some java and C++.
I've taught myself all kinds of web stuff as well; html, css, php etc etc.
I play guitar and am currently in between bands; I'm also pretty good at art and stuff. Got loads of concept art kicking around in case I ever master blender..

As far as games go, I'm big on the narrative and hard science fiction stuff. FPS, RPG, and RTS are my favorites.
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Post by lpersona »

  • - 21.5 years old
    - some experience with programming, but i still consider myself a noob
    - i also do several audio-visual design works
    - vegan 8)
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Post by jontan6 »

im Jon

im a java developer, from Manila Philippines.
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Post by twilight17 »

I'm August
Age: 14

I know C++ and a lot of PHP (using to develop my website, locally hosted :D )

I love computers and have been using them since I was 6. 8)

I also love tennis :o
Post this userbar I made on other websites to show your support for Irrlicht!
http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/1261 ... wernq4.png
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Post by stevend »

name:Steven Page

Hi, Steven Page of 20.

I enjoy obsessing randomly, feeling the effects of scitzophrenia, and pondering about life.

I also like programming in C++/C/C#.

I put ketchup on my kraft dinner.

Also, i forgot to say, Hail Satan. its time for a smoke and a beer.
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Location: Lisbon

Post by Aryon »

ermm...well hello there...well lets see...

Name; Luis Machado
Age; 22
Occupation; Working most of the time to survive...
Hobbies; 3D modeling, Games, TV, Music, girlfriend(ya lol) and other stuff.
OS; Linux User mostly now, since a friend teach me how to use it, love Linux, free and I can use most of the things like on windows, plus don't need to pay of a OS.(lol)
Plans to the Future; Make my own Online Game.

Short Explanation about why I'm here;
A lot of ppl said that I should use Irrlicht engine to make my game, I know that making games, (special online games) needs a programmer, and ofc a lot of hard work, I'm willing to learn C++ and other programing languages, my English its not so great like I wanted...
"From the the heavens he was born, and to the hell he was taken..."
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Location: Indonesia

Post by vokial »

for my 1st post i think i'll introduce myself. My name is Herbert, 22 years old live in indonesia.
programming : c++, j2ME, vb.net, pascal and lingo.
hobbies : chess, coding in c++ ( right now ^^), and japan culture (girls include) ~
job : programmer

well i start learn programing and computer at 2003.. so it has been years ^^.... but serious learn c++ in last year...
i usualy do 2D games, using popcap engine and sometimes director ( lingo) ... but now i got a task to research 3D games and make it online, so i choose irrlicht as my graphics engine and will start my first 3D game soon

sory for my bad bad english ( got said "bad english" twice from my friend in taiwan. T-T )
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