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I'm trying to do a background "star field" for a space game. I have my sky dome working fine but I don't see a way to tile the stars texture. My texture is already 512x512 but it's not nearly large enough achieve the proper resolution of a near 1x1 pixel to texel ratio for the pin point star effect I'm going for.
Or should I draw my stars as very small individual triangles?
My game: Star Sonata Star Sonata is a massively multiplayer space game.
I wouldn't use triangles as your stars as you'd need a large amount and you're never going to get any closer to the stars.
Can you not just scale down your texture to, say, 256x256 and then tile it to make it a 512x512 texture again? that would give you 4x the amount of stars and might do the trick, you can even repeat the process again if it's not quite enough.
Either that or just get a better texture for your skydome
JP wrote:I wouldn't use triangles as your stars as you'd need a large amount and you're never going to get any closer to the stars.
Can you not just scale down your texture to, say, 256x256 and then tile it to make it a 512x512 texture again? that would give you 4x the amount of stars and might do the trick, you can even repeat the process again if it's not quite enough.
Either that or just get a better texture for your skydome
I'm fine with using a tiled texture of any size but I'm not sure how to tile my texture across the one sky dome node.
My game: Star Sonata Star Sonata is a massively multiplayer space game.
I meant to do it in something like photoshop, but thinking about it, if you've got a texture for a skydome it might not work well.. what is your texture, is it just a load of white dots, like this:
or is it warped to fit the skydome something like this:
(might not need warping if it's just stars...)
I wonder if the mesh manipulator's makePlanarTextureMapping() would give you good results or not... hopefully someone with actual skydome experience can offer some advice
JP wrote:I meant to do it in something like photoshop, but thinking about it, if you've got a texture for a skydome it might not work well.. what is your texture, is it just a load of white dots, like this:
(might not need warping if it's just stars...)
I wonder if the mesh manipulator's makePlanarTextureMapping() would give you good results or not... hopefully someone with actual skydome experience can offer some advice
It's just a square field of white dots (stars) for now. It's very arcade-y in it's style. Think 80's video game.
My game: Star Sonata Star Sonata is a massively multiplayer space game.
In photshop(or the gimp) you can use the polar coordinates filter wich distorts your sky to work on a skydome, for the problem with your texture
I think that on sky domes it works best with 1024 X 1024, so define your picture as a patern and just tile it inside the image so it looks how you want it. The skydome really just maps the texture flat upside down.
3DModelerMan wrote:In photshop(or the gimp) you can use the polar coordinates filter wich distorts your sky to work on a skydome, for the problem with your texture
I think that on sky domes it works best with 1024 X 1024, so define your picture as a patern and just tile it inside the image so it looks how you want it. The skydome really just maps the texture flat upside down.
Ok thanks for your help. I'll see how it goes.
My game: Star Sonata Star Sonata is a massively multiplayer space game.
3DModelerMan wrote:In photshop(or the gimp) you can use the polar coordinates filter wich distorts your sky to work on a skydome, for the problem with your texture
I think that on sky domes it works best with 1024 X 1024, so define your picture as a patern and just tile it inside the image so it looks how you want it. The skydome really just maps the texture flat upside down.
Ok, my skydome is specificed to be a half sphere and my camera looks straight at it's center.
Using the polar method you suggest, my source image looks like this but of course with stars instead of this image.
But I get a large white heart shaped pattern in the center when the sky dome is rendered using this modified texture. I also tried halving the image to be 1024x512 in size, making the image into a half of a circle of stars but same problem occurred only worse.
My game: Star Sonata Star Sonata is a massively multiplayer space game.
The sky dome uses a rectangle texture as if you'd use a panorama picture. This image could be used for sphere mapping environment onto a mesh, but not for skydomes as used in Irrlicht.
hybrid wrote:The sky dome uses a rectangle texture as if you'd use a panorama picture. This image could be used for sphere mapping environment onto a mesh, but not for skydomes as used in Irrlicht.
Ok got it, thanks. Rectangular or square? What ratio if not square?
My game: Star Sonata Star Sonata is a massively multiplayer space game.