The editor is in really early stages, very alpha software. It should be able to handle whatever static mesh formats irrlicht can handle, and whatever image formats irrlicht can handle.
I run gnu/linux and don't own a copy of windows but my buddy compiled a version of the map editor for windows for me. You can download it
There's only some really basic art at the moment but I've got another buddy who has been pretty busy modelling some more terrain for me. I'd love for everyone to check it out and tell me what they like, what they dislike, and all the bugs they run into.
If you want to run this on gnu/linux you'll probably need the svn version of irrlicht. There's a bug if you resize the window that is fixed with a patch from kkrizka... but the patch isn't in svn yet. If you want details just post here and i'll tell you. This requires Qt version 4.4 or above... not sure what all distribution ship with a Qt that new at the moment (I'm running debian unstable...) Again, if you have any problems just post here and i'll walk you through it. If you're not familiar with the qmake system it's pretty intuitive.
The controls are pretty simple. Holding the right mouse button down while dragging the mouse around will move the camera around the map. If you do this while holding the control key it will rotate the camera instead of moving the camera around the map. Select a mesh from the list of meshes on the left and then place it on the map with the left mouse button. You can move a mesh up and down with the up and down arrow keys, and rotate it with the left and right arrow keys. Couple other shortcuts but they are in the menu.
Note that the "Select All" and "Help Topics" menu items don't actually do anything yet.
So try it out, and more importantly read the
source and tell me what I'm doing wrong- I'm pretty new to irrlicht so I'm positive there's going to be alot of mistakes in my code, inefficiencies, etc... (I'm new to Qt programming as well). I would love to hear any and all feedback, feature requests, comments, etc...