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Post by c_olin3404 »

You probably remember my post awhile back with some shots of a first-person-shooter i was working on, well, it has evolved into an FPS engine, or FPS framework based on Irrlicht. It is still in alpha stages, but it is developing quickly. The site is now hosted by eve-corp.com, and the website is http://www.eve-corp.com/goretek

It would be nice to have a couple poeple sign up at the site, but im not going to expect a huge community until i get the first release out.
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Post by thesmileman »

When are you doing to have a downloadable version? Not source just somethign to see the progress.
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Post by c_olin3404 »

I suppose i could put up the current version, but its not that much.
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Post by c_olin3404 »

Most of my work is in the entity manager i wrote, which can (and will) be used to do a bunch of cool stuff, but i havent begun to use it yet :P

Post by dingo_at_work »

is that the entity manager that we are all waiting for?
Peter Müller
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Post by Peter Müller »

dingo_at_work wrote:is that the entity manager that we are all waiting for?
What is an entity manager? And wherer did you get these cool models from? And will you release your source ;)
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Post by Tyn »

An object in the game world that has properties, such as a mobile unit, a health pack, whatever. They are all classed as entities and one way of managing that is by using inheritence. Start with a base class, give it really general stuff like hitpoints and stuff like that, then inherit from that base class to make more defined objects. An entity manager adds these different types in a modular way, in that it takes any class inherited from the base class. This means that if you add another entity type you don't need to recode anything.
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Post by c_olin3404 »

well said ;)

No, the entity manager is a small part of the game, it just makes it alot easier to handle entities.

And yes, the source will be released, but there is nothing special in the current version(v0.02a). All you can do is walk around and shoot and stuff.

But expect much more ;)
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Post by thesmileman »

Sounds like a lot of fun already! :D
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Post by Electron »

I'll be thrilled whenever you do release the source(however unfinished), as I've begun work on an FPS recently as well.

Out of curiosity, does the name GoreTek mean anything and is it at all related to the waterproof material goretex (i know that's random, but it's what it made me think of)
You do a lot of programming? Really? I try to get some in, but the debugging keeps me pretty busy.

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Post by Captain_Kill »

Gore = Blood and Guts :twisted:
Tek = Tech = Technology, stuff to create/cause blood and guts :twisted:

c_olin3404: Good job 8) I like the sound of what you're working on. Although I prefer to write code my own way, it's interesting to see how other people solve similar problems :D
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Post by niko »

Cool, hope you'll finish it :)
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Post by c_olin3404 »

Captain_Kill wrote:Although I prefer to write code my own way, it's interesting to see how other people solve similar problems :D
I understand exactly what you mean, I even hesitate to use engines made by other poeple... but I know that my code will be somewhat appealing to poeple like you even if they don't use it in there own projects. Which is fine considering that it is free, and it doesnt matter how many poeple will be interested in it. The main perpous of Goretek is for me to have fun, and learn... and to help other poeple understand how an FPS is written, and/or for poeple to work off of my code. And, if the game is fun, for poeple to have fun killing stuff :P
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Post by Captain_Kill »

If only all game devs had that view... Games would improve at a tremendous rate and there's no knowing what people could do. IMHO if you have fun making a game, and people learn from it, then you've suceeded as a developer and an entertainer. Having a massive number of fans doesn't always ensure lasting popularity... (ie. flavour of the month MMOGs)

But anyway, I like the look of what you've done and i'm always after new and unusual FPS games to play :D Actually, this may even give me the incentive to port Irrlicht to the XBox. :twisted: There's no point porting an engine if there are no games available for it... LOL :D Maybe it could be a project todo after my bajillion other projects :)
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Post by Guest »

Great work Colin, it's looking very nice!

Captain_Kill, how would you do that, with OpenXDK? I am really interested in an Xbox port of Irrlicht and would love to help you with this.
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