Anyway, I'm just happy with all these cool images being posted by you guys. We could make an awesome code sometime later in the near future, with all these enhancements folded into the SDK.
It would be nice to have a tesselation node added in XEffects, much like the tesselation node found in RenderMonkey.
It should raise render quality for near objects. I would imagine meshes near to the camera will be tesselated to level 14, other mesh objects will be be set to 10 or even lower.
Last edited by dlangdev on Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I'm trying to mess with shadow maps. Is there any way to use multiple UVW coordinates in shaders? given that the model already have them. Is the best way to use shadow maps.
MAX8 screens
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt
dlangdev wrote:oldskoolPunk: Omar has figured it out, ambient occlusion baking using his own code. Nice.
Oh ok, thats cool I guess. Now for some realtime AO like Blinside has done?
Mel wrote: Is there any way to use multiple UVW coordinates in shaders?
gl_TexCord[1] = gl_MultiTexCoord1 , unless you want normal maps too, then you gotta do somthing fancy because Irrlicht overwrites it for some odd reason instead of using the correct variables. Nice room there! You are getting alot of loud comments. I should break out some of my old stuff, too
shadows really help to define and enhane any sort of render.
shame those are from Max only, it'd be cool to see you achieve these results in Irrlicht (and you're not far off really)