Perhaps, if somebody who know more about C++ could implement VMT/VTF support for textures/materials/Shaders.
Here is c++ library that could be working with IRRlicht, perhaps having a link code between the 2 libs so they can cooperate together. (like an IRRvtf thing

This library should permit the loading and writing of VTF files. This is the format used by Valve for the Source Engine SDK and is supporting a lot of features needed for games and high speed graphical applications.
We could also use this tool to convert textures files to VTF:
With this you could import other files and prepare the textures used by the meshes.
While I was on this guy site, I found out a tool to take VMF files (HAMMER editor files) and convert them to QUAKE .MAP format. It can also do the reverse. But with it, I think I will be able to use HAMMER to create maps for Quake, compile the map then and have a BSP to load back in IRRlicht!
Look for CRAFTY there:
I think with those tools, we could have a quick way to create maps for IRRlicht. (Using Hammer then convert it, so IRRlicht can load it back)
Could be great in the future if the BSP loader could be improved further to support loading of the SourceSDK .bsp
The BSP format could also be used if IRRlicht implement someday an PORTAL occlusion system. These BSP compiler have VIS optimizer that generate all the data needed so the PORTAL occluder will be able to optimize the map. The only other "need" would be to interpret the AREAPORTAL nodes from the BSP.
Still dreaming, I know. I don't have the skill to implementing this right now.