Settings File Reader

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Settings File Reader

Post by torleif »

Creating an Irrlicht device and dropping it again to get the file manager is a bit messy, so I wrote my own file settings reader. It has many features, such as white space trimming and comments

You can download it here with an example ZIP/ 20KB

Alternatively, here is the code:

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/** settings.h Torleif West 17/dec/2007 
 * Loads settings from file, then map them for quick access. 
 * Allows comments in the settings file and trims wasted white space. 

#include <map>		// map of properties
#include <string>	// for std::string
#include <fstream>	// opening file
#include <ostream>	// saving file

#ifndef SETTINGS_H_
#define SETTINGS_H_

class Settings{

		Class stores strings in a map, with a value for each. 
		This allows quick access to the data 

            // Map of two strings
            std::map<std::string, std::string> data;

			// Use numbers char values as UNIX has different new line char
			static const char CHAR_LINE1 = 59;	// windows endline
			static const char CHAR_LINE2 = 10;	// UNIX endline
			static const char CHAR_SPACE = 32;	// ' ' char
			static const char CHAR_ENDFILE = -1;// EOF
			static const char CHAR_EQUALS = 61;	// = char
			static const char CHAR_COMMENT = 35;// # char
			static const char NUMBER_POINT = 46;// ASCII value for .
			static const char NUMBER_NINE = 57;	// ASCII value for 9
			static const char NUMBER_ZERO = 48;	// ASCII value for 0

			// file name of this settings file (used if saved)
			std::string settingsFile;
			// --- Loads the settings file ---
			// \param filename the string file name to load
            Settings(std::string filename) { 
				settingsFile = filename;

				std::ifstream ifs (filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);

				bool swch = true;
				bool stopReading = false;
				char c;
				std::string mproperty = "";
				std::string value = "";

				while (ifs.good()) {
					c = (char) ifs.get();
					//printf("%d ", int(c)); // debug
					if(c == CHAR_EQUALS) {
						swch = false;
					if(c == CHAR_COMMENT) {
						stopReading = true;
					// ignore white space
					if(c != CHAR_EQUALS && !stopReading) {
						std::string tmpchar;
						tmpchar = c;
						if(swch) {
						} else {
					// read to the end of the line
					if(c == CHAR_LINE1 || c == CHAR_LINE2 || c == CHAR_ENDFILE) {
						if(!swch) {
							//printf("Inserting :%s=%s\n", 
							//   trim(mproperty).c_str(), trim(value).c_str());
							data.insert ( std::pair<std::string,
								std::string>(trim(mproperty),trim(value)) );
						mproperty = "";
						value = "";
						swch = true;
						stopReading = false;
            // --- Deconstructor ---
			// --- Removes white space ---
			// \param targ string of to trim
			// \returns string with no white space at start or end
			std::string trim(const std::string &targ) {
				std::string retstr;
				int startStr = 0;
				int endStr = targ.size();

				if(targ.size() == 0) return targ;

				for(int i = 0; i < (int)targ.size(); i++) {
					char c =;
					if(c != CHAR_LINE1 && c != CHAR_LINE2 &&
						c != CHAR_ENDFILE && c != CHAR_SPACE ) {
						startStr = i;
				for(int i = (int)targ.size()-1; i > 0; i--) {
					char c =;
					if(c != CHAR_LINE1 && c != CHAR_LINE2 && 
						c != CHAR_ENDFILE && c != CHAR_SPACE ) {
						endStr = i;
				// rebuild string
				for(int i = startStr; i <= endStr; i++) {
					std::string tmpchar;
					tmpchar =;
				return retstr;

			// --- Returns value in map ---
			// \param key the string key stored in the map
			// \param roret return value if no string found
			// \returns string in map, or noret if not found
            std::string getValue(std::string key, std::string noret){
            	std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it;
            	it = data.find(key);
            	if(it != data.end()){
            		return (*it).second;
            	return noret;
            // --- Returns the size of the map---
			// \returns int how many items in data map
            int size(){
                return (int) data.size();
            // --- Converts string to double ---
			// \param s the string to convert
			// \returns double floating point number of string 
            double strToDob(const std::string &s){
				double retvalue = 0.0;
				int digitPlacing = 0;	// place in str where you've read to
				int digitPoint = -1;	// place where the point is

				for(int i = 0; i < (int)s.size(); i++) {
					// convert char to number for double
					if( >= NUMBER_ZERO && <= NUMBER_NINE) {
						if(digitPoint == -1) {	//adding 
							retvalue *= 10;
							retvalue += - NUMBER_ZERO;
						} else {
							int add = 10;// find power of 10 to decimal place
							for(int m = 0; m < (digitPlacing-digitPoint); m++)
								add *= 10;
					// running into point
					if( == NUMBER_POINT && digitPoint == -1) {
						digitPoint = digitPlacing;
            	return retvalue;

            // --- Saves a the value in file, and changes in map (slow atm) ---
			// \param saveStr the value in the map to change
			// \param newValue the value that will replace the old value 
			void saveParam(std::string saveStr, std::string newValue){
				// bail out on failure
				std::string oldValue = getValue(saveStr, "");
				std::string saveFile;

				// bail out if value dosn't exisit
				if("")==0){ return; }

				// save file in memory
				std::ifstream ifs (settingsFile.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
				while (ifs.good()) {
					char c = ifs.get();
					if(c != CHAR_ENDFILE) {
						std::string tmpchar;
						tmpchar = c;

				// go through each character, and find the string your replacing
				bool swch = true;
				bool stopReading = false;
				char c;
				std::string mproperty = "";
				std::string value = "";
				for(int i = 0; i < (int)saveFile.size(); i++) {
					c =;
					//printf("%d ", int(c)); // debug
					if(c == CHAR_EQUALS) {
						swch = false;
					if(c == CHAR_COMMENT) {
						stopReading = true;
					// ignore white space
					if(c != CHAR_EQUALS && !stopReading) {
						std::string tmpchar;
						tmpchar = c;
						if(swch) {
						} else {
							// found the value, save and bail.
							if(trim(mproperty).compare(saveStr)==0) {
								saveFile.replace(i+1, oldValue.size(), newValue);

								// save the new value in the map
								data.erase (saveStr);
								data.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>
                                              (saveStr, newValue));
								// and finally in the map
								std::ofstream savFil(settingsFile.c_str(), 
								savFil << saveFile;

					// read to the end of the line
					if(c == CHAR_LINE1 || c == CHAR_LINE2 || c == CHAR_ENDFILE) {
						mproperty = "";
						value = "";
						swch = true;
						stopReading = false;


Please feel free to suggest improvements/ changes to it
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2008 8:53 am

Post by Bodzio »

Is it only reader or it can write the config file too?
Posts: 725
Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2007 9:01 pm
Location: Germany

Post by Sylence »

By looking one minute at the code you would have seen the saveParam method. So I'd say yes it can
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