MyFPS Camera (mouse rotation with right button)

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MyFPS Camera (mouse rotation with right button)

Post by MarcinS »

First i tried to do this by setting only the Y rotation but it sucks. It change target of cam in some strange way (for me :) ) so I change the method and now i am setting the target and it works ok.. Did any one tried with rotation on Y and it works good ?

Here is my code of rotating with the change of target . maby some one will find this usefull or will help me with upgrading it :)

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if ((_receiver.MouseR()!=1)&& (_rot == true))

	if (_receiver.MouseR()==1)
			if (_rot==true)
					if (_receiver.MouseMv())
							int new_X = _receiver.MouseX();
							if (_old_X != new_X)
								float dyst = (_old_X - new_X);
									vector3df mPos = _view->getPosition();
									vector3df mView = _view->getTarget();
									vector3df vVector = mView - mPos; // Get the view vector
									irr::f32 R = sqrt(vVector.X*vVector.X+vVector.Z*vVector.Z); //Get the R of circle
									mView.X = mPos.X+R*cos(_rotation); //calculate absolute X position on circle
									mView.Z = mPos.Z+R*sin(_rotation);//calculate absolute Z position on circle
									_view->setTarget(mView); // Update Target
									_rot = false;
					else if (_rot==false)
						_rot = true;
						_old_X = _receiver.MouseX();

Ofcoruse i set :

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_view is camera object

MouseMv <- return true if mouse was moved
MouseX <- return X of mouse

It is based on ... hp?t=11214

Ofcourse it needs adding X rotation
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