Now the story is not important, maps also the AI, these are things what i will do at the end (if i would even make 20% of this what i want to recive).
Now the source code has physics, movement, q3 loading maps and all these basics, teached from tutorials.
Please read this, i know this are konwn problems, but we could make a mega tutorial for fps designers in this topic!!
1.Now the problem is, or ARE:
Shooting - I tried many ways, and i still dont know how to make player shooting. I tried to make it from the techdemo, but when i "take" the code from there , use this what is needs it tells me that -> : "shoot- this function is illegal", i work in Visual c++ 6.0.
It would be great if someone give , or release (pliz!!) some kind of shooting code, i know he wouldn't like to relase his own part of code wich defines shooting, but please, i can't make shooting here!! I need somehow do this shooting. Also i saw all the topics on the whole forum, and those code examples, wich you all have showed, or they dont work, or i don't understand how they works. So if you could also explain a little of this shooting code would be great.
Sorry for my "low" english (Poland), but i think u understand me ;]
2. The second problem: crosshair
So i got the code for crosshair:
driver->draw2DRectangle( irr::video::SColor(100,255,100,100), irr::core::rect<s32>(300,299,500,301) );
driver->draw2DRectangle( irr::video::SColor(100,255,100,100), irr::core::rect<s32>(399,200,401,400) );
As i thought why it didn't work in 640x480, i noticed it must be for higher resolution of course, but turning "game" to 800 or to 1024 resolution have done nothing. My crosshair is invisible , but why?? (maybe it is a paranormal crosshair

3. The third: Sounds
OK, i have downloaded the audiere.h, and added to include wich my visual have in include paths, also a libray went there to (to librarys), and i took the whole code from techdemo, and this also didn't worked out, like in shooting, i tried everything, also i tried to add a header CDemo.h to include files, it have done nothing.

Thak you for your cooperation.
Good luck for all developers.
May the force be with you
