Height maps - random

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Height maps - random

Post by Phixxure »

Is is possible for me to create a mesh at runtime, based on some random number seeds. Producing the data for the map should be easy enough, I just have no idea how I could turn this into a mesh.
Posts: 186
Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 1:13 pm
Location: Australia

Post by Masdus »

do a web search for fractal terrain. There are quite a few demos of how to do this. I'm reasonably sure there are even some functions for producing a height map that could then be used irrlicht's terrain node
Asterisk Man
Posts: 62
Joined: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:51 am

Post by Asterisk Man »

you can. Just open (or create) a blank IImage object, having the size that you want, and apply whatever terrain generation algorithm that you feel like using (I personally like perlin noise, mostly for its simplicity :) ).
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