the reason you can't see anything between the tree and box/terrain is because there's very little distance between them, so the effect is barely noticeable. You can fix it by setting the multiplier higher, though this will make a thick outline against the clouds. It's a bit of a limitation with the effect - maybe it would be better if after a certain distance it began to fade out again, as it would in reality.
as for a screenshot of the water;

The general blocky-ness of the water is because of my crude wave generator. The jagged shoreline is because of the 8-bit depth buffer, and the black far-away water.. I don't know, I need to look into that. It's probably because it's very deep, but the reflection not refraction should be in effect there.
edit: duh! worked it out - the z coord is infinite there, so it can't work out where the water is. I'll see what I can do to fix that