Vehicle driving over terrain

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Vehicle driving over terrain

Post by Valaris »


Perhaps this has been answered before, but I'm not even sure what the name of the technique for this is called.

Basically I am able to load up my terrain, as well as my vehicle, but I am unsure how to "drive" that vehicle over terrain. IE have it react realistically to the uneveness of say a hill (IE: rotate upwards).

Is this a fairly advanced technique, or something that irrlicht can easily perfofrm?
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Post by Brainsaw »

This is something that Irrlicht does not support, as it's more than graphics. For this you should use a physics API like ODE, Bullet or PhysX. Search for these here in the forum and you'll find some wrappers that bring together Irrlicht and the physics engines.
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Post by Bear_130278 »

For this you should use a physics API like ODE, Bullet or PhysX
Cmon man.... you have Frightened him with this...
What he wants is a pretty simple math...
1.Get the normal of the point you are on
2.Calc the angle between this normal and vertical
3.Rotate the model on this angle.
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Post by Brainsaw »

I think if he wants (as he wrote) some sort of realism it would be best to use a physics API instead of writing a new one ;). It is not that difficult to get that done with all the physics wrappers floating around the forum.
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Post by B@z »

you have a function called getHorizontal angle ;)
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Post by Eigen »

I trace 4 lines from each wheel and then use the result (4 ground positions) to construct 2 triangles, so it forms a quad beneath the vehicle. Then I take the average normal of the two triangles and use the normal to rotate my vehicle.

Code: Select all

// RRCollision - Rear-right wheel collision point
// FLCollision - Front-left
// ...

Triangle1 = triangle3df(RRCollision.point, FRCollision.point, FLCollision.point);
Triangle2 = triangle3df(FLCollision.point, RLCollision.point, BRCollision.point);

vector3df AvgNormal = (Triangle1.getNormal() + Triangle2.getNormal()) / 2;

// Rotate node based on the normal
I hope it gives you an general idea.
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