here is a little demo i did to show some of the cool stuff that irrlicht can do (with extensions) for a friend, i think some people might be interested, it is setup in a desert and you can move/fire/reload, the sun/clouds are animated but there is no day/night cycle.
Anyway here is a list of stuff that its featured in this demo:
- Clouds using CCloudSceneNode
- Grass using CGrassPatchSceneNode
- Shaders effects (bloom+aa) using CEffectPostProc
- Lens flare using CLensFlareSceneNode
- Irrlicht terrain with high quality texture/detailmap (not detailmap3.jpg!)
- Gun + fire etc from irrlicht examples
- Animated clouds/sun, the terrain "lightning" change in a nice way after some time.
- Walk SFX + 3D winds SFX + music using irrKlang
Controls: 'R' to reload
There is also another demo that was firtly made and which is using a different scene setup (with some objects like scorpion, knife with a reflection materials etc) also there is less thing in this one.
It run at 90fps on my 9500gt, there is a "config.xml" file with some parameters to tweaks for people if that lag.
First demo screenshot:

Download (bin Windows + src)
Second one:

Download (bin Windows)
Download (src)
I'm quite satisfied by this demo actually, lots of fun, i passed lots of time to tweak parameters too so that it look nice, lastly i wanted to make a little game out of it but finally since i'm not an artists i don't think i'm capable of it

Hope you enjoy it anyway.