on a 3rd person game, how to make the main character child of a car, and than get the car control (pressing the use key). Like we see in vice city .
plz help
But I already told u my requirement . i just want my node to make child of a car when pressing use key, thats it. and the control of camera will change from a human character to car.
you have some code for a camera right? it should depend on a target ISceneNode, which is initially your player. So when the player "uses" the car, you change the camera's target to the car. And in your event handler, you figure out whether the player's in a car, and move the appropriate node, either the car or the player.
If that plus the other replies aren't enough to help you, you probably need to get your hands dirty and write some code, then come back here when you have a more specific, technical question. We won't write your game for you.
Srry, I already solved that problem before posting the above reply. my head just got meshed up, i was almost forgot that this problem was solved . i m designing a building for my game (1st level) and u know how dirty it is to design a building with interior decoration in a 3d modeler.
srry again .