irrBullet is an easy to use and powerful Irrlicht-Bullet wrapper that not only makes it easy to use Bullet with your Irrlicht projects, but makes it easy to use physics in general with your Irrlicht project so you can focus more on the gameplay and not how to implement the physics.
It is, in fact, a high-level physics extension library and wrapper.
It contains many advanced features that will give your Irrlicht project the best physics currently available, and in much less development time than other ways.
irrBullet includes countless amounts of unique additions and interfaces to the traditional way of using Bullet physics. This means you get more high-level features, and a much easier way to use this excellent physics engine.
It was designed to be the back-bone of a game; this is the main reason it is built with an attribute/property-style design.
Also used are "affectors," which work just like Irrlicht scene node animators. These can be used to do anything to one rigid body, so you can make your own affectors for your games.
It is completely capable of being used in advanced game development. I assure you; it is being used in my own large combat game project!
Download link:
https://irrbullet.svn.sourceforge.net/s ... llet/trunk
What's new?
http://www.skyreignsoftware.com/resourc ... -whats-new
After downloading irrBullet, be sure to read the Doxygen documentation, readme.txt, and refer to the FAQ list before asking any questions.