Is it possible to completely disable smoothing on faces on a mesh node?
Looking for the same effect as using 3ds or stl format exept im using ply format for my solution loading rather large cad models.
disabeling the smoothing on cubescenenode is also something i want to do.
At the moment the scene is lit by 3 lights and im not using textures on my meshes. RecalculateNormals and Gouraud shading false is not doing the trick at the moment..
how to disable smoothing?
not sure about other softwares but in Maya and Blender you can do that by
1. Maya - Normals->Harden Edge
2. Blender - click 'Set Solid' button down there
it will look just right
1. Maya - Normals->Harden Edge
2. Blender - click 'Set Solid' button down there
it will look just right
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Thanks for reply!
well, Gouraud shading false is the closest I get but it does not look good at all..
the specularity of the triangels looks messed up, even triangels that is planar to each other looks different.
the mesh that is loaded is in perfect condition, there is no coplanar overlap stuff going on.
what im looking for is the same as facets mode in 3dstudio or the default blender viewport. however Im using meshlab to export and process the models
well, Gouraud shading false is the closest I get but it does not look good at all..
the specularity of the triangels looks messed up, even triangels that is planar to each other looks different.
the mesh that is loaded is in perfect condition, there is no coplanar overlap stuff going on.
what im looking for is the same as facets mode in 3dstudio or the default blender viewport. however Im using meshlab to export and process the models
good to know thatkrom wrote:thanks alot Virion! blender set solid did the trick.
blender saves the day:)

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After bit of investigation I found that setting "set solid" in blender only does the same as stl
and 3ds format, ending up with nonshared vertices = lots of vertices compared to triangles in the
mesh and drop in fps performance and larger files to load...
Is shared vertices and triangle smoothing impossible to avoid in dirctx and opengl without the use of custom shaders?
If not, then this should be possible to turn off in irrlicht to make it more flexible as a fast graphic engine it is I think.
A test with 125 higpoly object, ply format, total scene 8,5 million triangels, setHardwareMappingHint static.
shared vertices: fps 20, 1,8mb file
nonshared vertices: fps 14, 6,5mb file
Any more toughts on this?
and 3ds format, ending up with nonshared vertices = lots of vertices compared to triangles in the
mesh and drop in fps performance and larger files to load...
Is shared vertices and triangle smoothing impossible to avoid in dirctx and opengl without the use of custom shaders?
If not, then this should be possible to turn off in irrlicht to make it more flexible as a fast graphic engine it is I think.
A test with 125 higpoly object, ply format, total scene 8,5 million triangels, setHardwareMappingHint static.
shared vertices: fps 20, 1,8mb file
nonshared vertices: fps 14, 6,5mb file
Any more toughts on this?