0.8 ffmpeg videoplayer with threaded sound (openAL) in synch
I'm not sure if you are also having this problem, but when loading a new video the IImage->lock() throws an error... for me it was because the IImage wasn't being reinitialized when the video player was being recreated.
the static char first_time wasn't being reset to 1 when the new player was created, so I created a private boolean variable _bFirstTime, set it to true in initAV and false in the first time if statement in dump frame, and that fixed it for me.
Now I can load a second video without it crashing..
the static char first_time wasn't being reset to 1 when the new player was created, so I created a private boolean variable _bFirstTime, set it to true in initAV and false in the first time if statement in dump frame, and that fixed it for me.
Now I can load a second video without it crashing..
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- Posts: 135
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if you want to play with theora you wont be the first, search the forums for the code, as for ffmpeg being a pain in the ass, I have yet to find any (inc theora) that are easy to implement in irrlicht, all have major issues hence why there is still no fully developed vid player with sound created to date.tecan wrote:ffmpeg is a PITA you guys should have used theora. we'll see how things go but i might post the wrapper i have when its done.
ideally we would have a common vid player class that can use various librarys :: video (ffmpeg, directX, theora,..) ::audio (openAL, irrKlang, ..)
if you look at the code posted you will see that I have left it open for easy modding with other sound librarys via #define inclusions
why not use the same technique to exclude all the ffmpeg code and include theora calls, and then post the class back to this thread so that I can merge it into my code, I was planning on doing the same for directX
ok, see where your going with this, applied similar, no crash but the second video is sized badly offscreen, weird weird weirdellemayo wrote:I'm not sure if you are also having this problem, but when loading a new video the IImage->lock() throws an error... for me it was because the IImage wasn't being reinitialized when the video player was being recreated.
the static char first_time wasn't being reset to 1 when the new player was created, so I created a private boolean variable _bFirstTime, set it to true in initAV and false in the first time if statement in dump frame, and that fixed it for me.
Now I can load a second video without it crashing..
fixed that too, you will run into problems if you play multiple videos of different sizes, to fix move the static currentX n Y from refresh to the main class, thanks for the fix, will post new class soon
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ellemayo wrote:hey, sorry I wasn't around to post the code with the fix, glad you figured it out though. Is there any other significant changes you made in your new version? I'd be interested in seeing it.
added some volume control
title bar readout
seeking on open and whilst playing
(not quite right, only seem to be able to perform one seek, second seek goes to the same place)
a few bug fixes including the one that you spotted
Code: Select all
#ifndef __MURMUUR_VIDEO_H__ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Original code sources from juliusctw, Hansel, stepan1117
// Heavily Modified/Merged by theSpecial1
// defines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define __MURMUUR_VIDEO_H__
#define NUM_BUFFERS 3
#define BUFFER_SIZE 19200
// includes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
extern "C" {
#include <string.h>
#include <avcodec.h>
#include <avformat.h>
#include <swscale.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include <AL/alut.h>
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// namespaces ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;
// structures ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
typedef struct MyFile *FilePtr;
typedef struct MyStream *StreamPtr;
struct MyStream {
AVCodecContext *CodecCtx;
int StreamIdx;
char *Data;
size_t DataSize;
size_t DataSizeMax;
char *DecodedData;
size_t DecodedDataSize;
FilePtr parent;
struct MyFile {
AVFormatContext *FmtCtx;
StreamPtr *Streams;
size_t StreamsSize;
}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum ePlaystate { Closed, Playing, Paused, Stopped };
// main class definition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class murmuurVIDEO {
private: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
irr::ITimer *_itTimer;
irr::video::IVideoDriver *_vdVideoDriver;
irr::video::IImage *_imCurrentImage;
irr::video::ITexture *_txCurrentTexture;
FilePtr _fpFile;
core::stringc _sCurrentFile;
StreamPtr _spStreamA, _spStreamV;
bool _bHasAudio, _bHasVideo;
int _iDesiredH;
int _iDesiredW;
bool _first_time;
struct SwsContext *_img_convert_ctx;
int _currentX;
int _currentY;
unsigned long _lLastTime;
std::vector<AVFrame> _frFrame_Buffer;
bool _bFrameDisplayed;
AVFrame *_frFrame;
AVFrame *_frFrameRGB;
int _iNumBytes;
uint8_t *_iBuffer;
s32* _p;
s32* _pimage;
ALuint _aiBuffers[NUM_BUFFERS];
ALuint _aiSource;
ALint _aiState;
ALbyte *_abData;
ALenum _aeOldFormat;
ALenum _aeFormat;
int _iBuffCount;
int _iOld_rate;
int _iChannels;
int _iBits;
int _iRate;
int _iBasetime;
float _fVolume;
bool _bMute;
bool _initAV(void);
FilePtr _openAVFile(const char *fname);
void _closeAVFile(FilePtr file);
bool _DumpFrame(AVFrame *pFrame, int width, int height, bool needResize);
StreamPtr _getAVAudioStream(FilePtr file, int streamnum);
StreamPtr _getAVVideoStream(FilePtr file, int streamnum);
int _getAVAudioInfo(StreamPtr stream, int *rate, int *channels, int *bits);
bool _getNextPacket(FilePtr file, int streamidx);
int _getAVAudioData(StreamPtr stream, void *data, int length);
AVFrame *_getNextFrame(void);
public: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
double dSecondsPerFrame;
float fFramerate;
float fDuration;
int iActualFrame;
//int iNum_frames;
ePlaystate psVideostate;
IMeshSceneNode *mnOutputMesh;
bool bVideoLoaded;
core::stringw swInfoText;
murmuurVIDEO(irr::video::IVideoDriver *irrVideoDriver, irr::ITimer *timer, int desiredW, int desiredH);
murmuurVIDEO(irr::video::IVideoDriver *irrVideoDriver, irr::ITimer *timer, int desiredW, int desiredH, IMeshSceneNode *outputMesh);
bool open(core::stringc sFileName, int iStartIndex);
bool refresh(void);
void drawVideoTexture(void);
void changeResolution(int w, int h);
bool goToFrame(int numFrame);
void close(void);
core::stringw getTitleBarStatus(void);
void murmuurVIDEO::volumeLevel(float fVol);
void murmuurVIDEO::volumeMute(void);
}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Code: Select all
// header ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <murmuurVIDEO.h>
// audio hard quit //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static volatile int quitnow = 0;
static void handle_sigint(int signum) {
quitnow = 1;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// constructor default //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
murmuurVIDEO::murmuurVIDEO(irr::video::IVideoDriver *irrVideoDriver, irr::ITimer *timer,
int desiredW, int desiredH) : _vdVideoDriver(irrVideoDriver),
_itTimer(timer), _iDesiredH(desiredH), _iDesiredW(desiredW) {
this->mnOutputMesh = NULL;
psVideostate = Closed;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// constructor alternate mesh output ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
murmuurVIDEO::murmuurVIDEO(irr::video::IVideoDriver *irrVideoDriver, irr::ITimer *timer, int desiredW,
int desiredH, IMeshSceneNode *outputMesh) : _vdVideoDriver(irrVideoDriver),
_itTimer(timer), _iDesiredH(desiredH), _iDesiredW(desiredW),
mnOutputMesh(outputMesh) {
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// initialise audio/video ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool murmuurVIDEO::_initAV(void) {
// initial video flags
bVideoLoaded = false;
psVideostate = Closed;
_vdVideoDriver->setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, false);
_vdVideoDriver->setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, true);
_txCurrentTexture = NULL;
_bFrameDisplayed = true;
_iBasetime = 0;
iActualFrame = 0;
swInfoText = L"";
_first_time = true;
_currentX = 0;
_currentY = 0;
_img_convert_ctx = NULL;
_fVolume = 1; // full volume
// Register all formats and codecs
// signal handler
if (signal(SIGINT, handle_sigint) == SIG_ERR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set handler for SIGINT!\n");
return false;
// audio temp buffer
_abData = (ALbyte *)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
if (!_abData) {
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating temp buffer!\n");
return false;
// Initialize ALUT with default settings
if (alutInit(NULL, NULL) == AL_FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize ALUT (%s)!\n", alutGetErrorString(alutGetError()));
return false;
// Generate the buffers and source
alGenBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, _aiBuffers);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create buffers...\n");
return false;
alGenSources(1, &_aiSource);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
alDeleteBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, _aiBuffers);
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create source...\n");
return false;
// Set parameters so mono sources won't distance attenuate
alSourcei(_aiSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE);
alSourcei(_aiSource, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
alDeleteSources(1, &_aiSource);
alDeleteBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, _aiBuffers);
fprintf(stderr, "Could not set source parameters...\n");
return false;
alSourcef(_aiSource, AL_GAIN, _fVolume);
return true;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// get the next frame from the buffer ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
AVFrame *murmuurVIDEO::_getNextFrame(void) {
// get more frames if buffer empty
while (_frFrame_Buffer.size() == 0) {
if (!_getNextPacket(_spStreamA->parent, _spStreamA->StreamIdx)) {
// return a frame if we have one
if (_frFrame_Buffer.size() > 0) { // we have frames
AVFrame *t = avcodec_alloc_frame();
*t = _frFrame_Buffer.back();
return t;
} else {
return NULL;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// refresh audio/video //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool murmuurVIDEO::refresh(void) {
bool needResize = false;
if (_bHasAudio) {
// ensure we arnt out of sound
if (_iBuffCount > 0 && !quitnow) {
// Check if any buffers on the source are finished playing
ALint processed = 0;
alGetSourcei(_aiSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
if (processed == 0) {
// All buffers are full. Check if the source is still playing.
// If not, restart it, otherwise, print the time and rest
alGetSourcei(_aiSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &_aiState);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error checking source state...\n");
return false;
if (_aiState != AL_PLAYING) {
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error restarting playback...\n");
return false;
} else {
ALint offset;
alGetSourcei(_aiSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &offset);
// Add the base time to the offset. Each count of basetime
// represents one buffer, which is BUFFER_SIZE in bytes
offset += _iBasetime * (BUFFER_SIZE/_iChannels*8/_iBits);
//fprintf(stderr, "\rTime: %d:%05.02f", offset/_iRate/60, (offset%(_iRate*60))/(float)_iRate);
// all done for this iteration
//return true;
goto allaudiodone;
// Read the next chunk of data and refill the oldest buffer
_iBuffCount = _getAVAudioData(_spStreamA, _abData, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (_iBuffCount > 0) {
ALuint buf = 0;
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(_aiSource, 1, &buf);
if (buf != 0) {
alBufferData(buf, _aeFormat, _abData, _iBuffCount, _iRate);
alSourceQueueBuffers(_aiSource, 1, &buf);
// For each successfully unqueued buffer, increment the
// base time. The retrieved sample offset for timing is
// relative to the start of the buffer queue, so for every
// buffer that gets unqueued we need to increment the base
// time to keep the reported time accurate and not fall backwards
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error buffering data...\n");
return false;
} else { // out of audio
return false;
if (_bHasVideo) {
// process the next video frame from the buffer
if (_itTimer->getRealTime() - _lLastTime > (dSecondsPerFrame*1000)) {
_lLastTime = _itTimer->getRealTime();
_frFrame = _getNextFrame();
if (_frFrame != NULL) {
if (_img_convert_ctx == NULL) {
_currentX = _iDesiredW;
_currentY = _iDesiredH;
int w = _spStreamV->CodecCtx->width;
int h = _spStreamV->CodecCtx->height;
_img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(w, h, _spStreamV->CodecCtx->pix_fmt, _iDesiredW, _iDesiredH, PIX_FMT_RGB32,
if (_img_convert_ctx == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize the conversion context!\n");
return false;
} else if (_currentX != _iDesiredW || _currentY != _iDesiredH) {
needResize = true;
_currentX = _iDesiredW;
_currentY = _iDesiredH;
int w = _spStreamV->CodecCtx->width;
int h = _spStreamV->CodecCtx->height;
_img_convert_ctx = NULL;
_img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(w, h, _spStreamV->CodecCtx->pix_fmt, _iDesiredW, _iDesiredH, PIX_FMT_RGB32,
if (_img_convert_ctx == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot re-initialize the conversion context!\n");
return false;
sws_scale(_img_convert_ctx, _frFrame->data, _frFrame->linesize, 0, _spStreamV->CodecCtx->height, _frFrameRGB->data, _frFrameRGB->linesize);
//printf("Dumping Frame: %d :: FrameRate: %f\n", iActualFrame, fFramerate);
// Dump the frame
_DumpFrame(_frFrameRGB, _iDesiredW, _iDesiredH, needResize);
// increase frame/time counts
_bFrameDisplayed = false;
} else {
return false;
// success, more audio/video to follow
return true;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// draw the current texture onscreen ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void murmuurVIDEO::drawVideoTexture(void) {
if (_txCurrentTexture != NULL) {
if (mnOutputMesh != NULL) {
if (!_bFrameDisplayed) {
mnOutputMesh->setMaterialTexture(0, _txCurrentTexture);
_bFrameDisplayed = true;
} else {
_vdVideoDriver->draw2DImage(_txCurrentTexture, irr::core::position2d<irr::s32>(0,0),
irr::core::rect<irr::s32>(0,0,_iDesiredW,_iDesiredH), 0, irr::video::SColor(255,255,255,255), false);
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// refresh audio/video //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool murmuurVIDEO::open(core::stringc sFileName, int iStartIndex) {
// reset if already playing
//_first_time = true;
if (psVideostate != Closed) {
//_first_time = true;
// reset initial vars
_aeFormat = 0;
_iBasetime = 0;
// check the file opens up
_fpFile = _openAVFile(sFileName.c_str());
if (!_fpFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s\n", sFileName.c_str());
return false;
_sCurrentFile = sFileName;
// create the stream objects
_spStreamV = _getAVVideoStream(_fpFile, 0);
_bHasVideo = !(!_spStreamV);
if (iStartIndex > 0) {
av_seek_frame(_fpFile->FmtCtx, _spStreamV->StreamIdx, iStartIndex, AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY);
/*if (!_spStreamV) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open video in %s\n", sFileName.c_str());
return false;
_spStreamA = _getAVAudioStream(_fpFile, 0);
_bHasAudio = !(!_spStreamA);
if (!_bHasAudio && _bHasVideo) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Could not open audio in %s\n", sFileName.c_str());
//return false;
_spStreamA = (StreamPtr)calloc(1, sizeof(*_spStreamA));
_spStreamA->parent = _fpFile;
_spStreamA->StreamIdx = -1;
void *temp = realloc(_fpFile->Streams, (_fpFile->StreamsSize+1) * sizeof(*_fpFile->Streams));
_fpFile->Streams = (StreamPtr*)temp;
_fpFile->Streams[_fpFile->StreamsSize++] = _spStreamA;
// audio specific open init
if (_bHasAudio) {
// Get the stream format, and figure out the OpenAL format. We use the
// AL_EXT_MCFORMATS extension to provide output of 4 and 5.1 audio streams
if (_getAVAudioInfo(_spStreamA, &_iRate, &_iChannels, &_iBits) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting audio info for %s\n", sFileName.c_str());
return false;
// determine the sound formats
if (_iBits == 8) {
if (_iChannels == 1) _aeFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
if (_iChannels == 2) _aeFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
if (alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS")) {
if (_iChannels == 4) _aeFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_QUAD8");
if (_iChannels == 6) _aeFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_51CHN8");
if (_iBits == 16) {
if (_iChannels == 1) _aeFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
if (_iChannels == 2) _aeFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
if (alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS")) {
if (_iChannels == 4) _aeFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_QUAD16");
if (_iChannels == 6) _aeFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_51CHN16");
if (_aeFormat == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled format (%d channels, %d bits) for %s", _iChannels, _iBits, sFileName.c_str());
return false;
// If the format of the last file matches the current one, we can skip
// the initial load and let the processing loop take over (gap-less playback!)
_iBuffCount = 1;
if (_aeFormat != _aeOldFormat || _iRate != _iOld_rate) {
int j;
_aeOldFormat = _aeFormat;
_iOld_rate = _iRate;
// Wait for the last song to finish playing
do {
alGetSourcei(_aiSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &_aiState);
} while(alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR && _aiState == AL_PLAYING);
// Rewind the source position and clear the buffer queue
alSourcei(_aiSource, AL_BUFFER, 0);
// Fill and queue the buffers
for(j = 0;j < NUM_BUFFERS;j++) {
// Make sure we get some data to give to the buffer
_iBuffCount = _getAVAudioData(_spStreamA, _abData, BUFFER_SIZE);
if(_iBuffCount <= 0) return false;
// Buffer the data with OpenAL and queue the buffer onto the source
alBufferData(_aiBuffers[j], _aeFormat, _abData, _iBuffCount, _iRate);
alSourceQueueBuffers(_aiSource, 1, &_aiBuffers[j]);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error buffering initial data...\n");
return false;
// Now start playback!
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error starting playback...\n");
return false;
} else {
// When skipping the initial load of a file (because the previous
// one is using the same exact format), set the base time to the
// negative of the queued buffers. This is so the timing will be
// from the beginning of this file, which won't start playing until
// the next buffer to get queued does */
_iBasetime = -NUM_BUFFERS;
// video specific checks
if (_bHasVideo) {
if (mnOutputMesh != NULL) {
// set state
if (_bHasVideo || _bHasAudio) {
psVideostate = Playing;
bVideoLoaded = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// dump the frame to texture ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool murmuurVIDEO::_DumpFrame(AVFrame *pFrame, int width, int height, bool needResize) {
if (_first_time) {
_imCurrentImage = _vdVideoDriver->createImageFromData(irr::video::ECF_A8R8G8B8,
irr::core::dimension2d<irr::u32>(width, height),
_first_time = false;
_txCurrentTexture = _vdVideoDriver->addTexture("movie", _imCurrentImage);
if (needResize) {
_imCurrentImage = _vdVideoDriver->createImageFromData(irr::video::ECF_A8R8G8B8,
irr::core::dimension2d<irr::u32>(width, height),
_txCurrentTexture = _vdVideoDriver->addTexture("movie", _imCurrentImage);
_p = (s32*)_txCurrentTexture->lock ();
_pimage = (s32*)_imCurrentImage->lock ();
for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++) _p[i] = _pimage[i];
// unlock de texture and the image
return true;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// internal open file ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
FilePtr murmuurVIDEO::_openAVFile(const char *fname) {
static int done = 0;
FilePtr file;
// We need to make sure ffmpeg is initialized. Optionally silence warning output from the lib
if(!done) {av_register_all();
done = 1;
file = (FilePtr)calloc(1, sizeof(*file));
if (file && av_open_input_file(&file->FmtCtx, fname, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0) {
// After opening, we must search for the stream information because not
// all formats will have it in stream headers (eg. system MPEG streams)
if (av_find_stream_info(file->FmtCtx) >= 0) return file;
return NULL;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// internal close file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void murmuurVIDEO::_closeAVFile(FilePtr file) {
size_t i;
if(!file) return;
for(i = 0;i < file->StreamsSize;i++) {
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// internal find the relevent streams ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
StreamPtr murmuurVIDEO::_getAVAudioStream(FilePtr file, int streamnum) {
unsigned int i;
if (!file) return NULL;
for(i = 0;i < file->FmtCtx->nb_streams;i++) {
if (file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) continue;
if (streamnum == 0) {
StreamPtr stream;
AVCodec *codec;
void *temp;
size_t j;
// Found the requested stream. Check if a handle to this stream
// already exists and return it if it does
for(j = 0;j < file->StreamsSize;j++) {
if (file->Streams[j]->StreamIdx == (int)i) return file->Streams[j];
// Doesn't yet exist. Now allocate a new stream object and fill in its info
stream = (StreamPtr)calloc(1, sizeof(*stream));
if (!stream) return NULL;
stream->parent = file;
stream->CodecCtx = file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->codec;
stream->StreamIdx = i;
// Try to find the codec for the given codec ID, and open it
codec = avcodec_find_decoder(stream->CodecCtx->codec_id);
if (!codec || avcodec_open(stream->CodecCtx, codec) < 0) {
return NULL;
// Allocate space for the decoded data to be stored in before it gets passed to the app
stream->DecodedData = (char *)malloc(AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE);
if (!stream->DecodedData) {
return NULL;
// Append the new stream object to the stream list. The original
// pointer will remain valid if realloc fails, so we need to use
// another pointer to watch for errors and not leak memory
temp = realloc(file->Streams, (file->StreamsSize+1) * sizeof(*file->Streams));
if (!temp) {
return NULL;
file->Streams = (StreamPtr*)temp;
file->Streams[file->StreamsSize++] = stream;
return stream;
return NULL;
StreamPtr murmuurVIDEO::_getAVVideoStream(FilePtr file, int streamnum) {
unsigned int i;
if (!file) return NULL;
for(i = 0;i < file->FmtCtx->nb_streams;i++) {
if (file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) continue;
if (streamnum == 0) {
StreamPtr stream;
AVCodec *codec;
void *temp;
size_t j;
// Found the requested stream. Check if a handle to this stream
// already exists and return it if it does
for(j = 0;j < file->StreamsSize;j++) {
if (file->Streams[j]->StreamIdx == (int)i) return file->Streams[j];
// Doesn't yet exist. Now allocate a new stream object and fill in its info
stream = (StreamPtr)calloc(1, sizeof(*stream));
if (!stream) return NULL;
stream->parent = file;
stream->CodecCtx = file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->codec;
stream->StreamIdx = i;
// Try to find the codec for the given codec ID, and open it
codec = avcodec_find_decoder(stream->CodecCtx->codec_id);
if (codec->capabilities & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) stream->CodecCtx->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED;
if (!codec || avcodec_open(stream->CodecCtx, codec) < 0) {
return NULL;
// get the movie framerate
fFramerate = (float)file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->r_frame_rate.num;
dSecondsPerFrame = (double)file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->r_frame_rate.den /
fDuration = (float)file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->duration;
//iNum_frames = (int)file->FmtCtx->streams[i]->nb_frames;
// setup temp allocations
_frFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
if (_frFrameRGB == NULL) return NULL;
_iNumBytes = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB32, _iDesiredW, _iDesiredH);
_iBuffer = new uint8_t[_iNumBytes];
avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)_frFrameRGB, _iBuffer, PIX_FMT_RGB32, _iDesiredW, _iDesiredH);
// Append the new stream object to the stream list. The original
// pointer will remain valid if realloc fails, so we need to use
// another pointer to watch for errors and not leak memory
temp = realloc(file->Streams, (file->StreamsSize+1) * sizeof(*file->Streams));
if (!temp) {
return NULL;
file->Streams = (StreamPtr*)temp;
file->Streams[file->StreamsSize++] = stream;
return stream;
return NULL;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// internal grab audio stream bits etc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int murmuurVIDEO::_getAVAudioInfo(StreamPtr stream, int *rate, int *channels, int *bits) {
if (!stream || stream->CodecCtx->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) return 1;
if (rate) *rate = stream->CodecCtx->sample_rate;
if (channels) *channels = stream->CodecCtx->channels;
if (bits) *bits = 16;
return 0;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// internal get next packet /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool murmuurVIDEO::_getNextPacket(FilePtr file, int streamidx) {
static AVPacket packet;
static int bytesRemaining=0;
static uint8_t *rawData;
static int bytesDecoded;
static int frameFinished;
AVFrame *pFrame;
pFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
// read frames until we have an audio packet to return
while(av_read_frame(file->FmtCtx, &packet) >= 0) {
StreamPtr *iter = file->Streams;
size_t i;
// Check each stream the user has a handle for, looking for the one this packet belongs to
for(i = 0;i < file->StreamsSize;i++,iter++) {
if ((*iter)->StreamIdx == packet.stream_index) {
if (packet.stream_index == streamidx) { // audio packets
size_t idx = (*iter)->DataSize;
// Found the stream. Grow the input data buffer as needed to
// hold the new packet's data. Additionally, some ffmpeg codecs
// need some padding so they don't overread the allocated buffer
if (idx+packet.size > (*iter)->DataSizeMax) {
void *temp = realloc((*iter)->Data, idx+packet.size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
if (!temp) break;
(*iter)->Data = (char *)temp;
(*iter)->DataSizeMax = idx+packet.size;
// Copy the packet and free it
memcpy(&(*iter)->Data[idx], packet.data, packet.size);
(*iter)->DataSize += packet.size;
// Return if this stream is what we needed a packet for
if (streamidx == (*iter)->StreamIdx) {
return true;
} else if (_bHasVideo) { // continue decoding video frames to the buffer
if (packet.stream_index == _spStreamV->StreamIdx) {
bytesRemaining += packet.size;
rawData = packet.data;
// Work on the current packet until we have decoded all of it
while (bytesRemaining > 0) {
// Decode the next chunk of data
bytesDecoded = avcodec_decode_video((*iter)->CodecCtx, pFrame, &frameFinished, rawData, bytesRemaining);
// Was there an error?
if (bytesDecoded < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error while decoding frame\n");
//return false;
bytesRemaining -= bytesDecoded;
rawData += bytesDecoded;
// Did we finish the current frame? Then we can return
if (frameFinished) { // add the current frame to the buffer
frameFinished = false;
if (!_bHasAudio) {
return true;
pFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
// Free the packet and look for another
if (pFrame != NULL)
return false;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// internal get audio data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int murmuurVIDEO::_getAVAudioData(StreamPtr stream, void *data, int length) {
int dec = 0;
if (!stream || stream->CodecCtx->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) return 0;
while(dec < length) {
// If there's any pending decoded data, deal with it first
if (stream->DecodedDataSize > 0) {
// Get the amount of bytes remaining to be written,
// and clamp to the amount of decoded data we have
size_t rem = length-dec;
if (rem > stream->DecodedDataSize) rem = stream->DecodedDataSize;
// Copy the data to the app's buffer and increment
memcpy(data, stream->DecodedData, rem);
data = (char*)data + rem;
dec += rem;
// If there's any decoded data left, move it to the front of the
// buffer for next time
if (rem < stream->DecodedDataSize)
memmove(stream->DecodedData, &stream->DecodedData[rem], stream->DecodedDataSize - rem);
stream->DecodedDataSize -= rem;
// Check if we need to get more decoded data
if (stream->DecodedDataSize == 0) {
size_t insize;
int size;
int len;
insize = stream->DataSize;
if (insize == 0) {
_getNextPacket(stream->parent, stream->StreamIdx);
// If there's no more input data, break and return what we have
if (insize == stream->DataSize) break;
insize = stream->DataSize;
memset(&stream->Data[insize], 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
// Clear the input padding bits
// Decode some data, and check for errors
while((len=avcodec_decode_audio2(stream->CodecCtx, (int16_t*)stream->DecodedData,
&size, (uint8_t*)stream->Data, insize)) == 0) {
if (size > 0) break;
_getNextPacket(stream->parent, stream->StreamIdx);
if (insize == stream->DataSize) break;
insize = stream->DataSize;
memset(&stream->Data[insize], 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
if (len < 0) break;
if (len > 0) {
// If any input data is left, move it to the start of the
// buffer, and decrease the buffer size
size_t rem = insize-len;
if (rem) memmove(stream->Data, &stream->Data[len], rem);
stream->DataSize = rem;
// Set the output buffer size
stream->DecodedDataSize = size;
// Return the number of bytes we were able to get
return dec;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// switch res ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void murmuurVIDEO::changeResolution(int w, int h) {
if (_iDesiredW != w || _iDesiredH != h){
std::cout << "Changing resolution from ["<< _iDesiredW << "x" << _iDesiredH << "] to [" << w << "x" << h << "]" << std::endl;
_iDesiredW = w;
_iDesiredH = h;
delete [] _iBuffer;
//av_free((AVPicture *)_frFrameRGB);
_iNumBytes = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB32, _iDesiredW, _iDesiredH);
_iBuffer = new uint8_t[_iNumBytes];
// Assign appropriate parts of buffer to image planes in pFrameRGB
avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)_frFrameRGB, _iBuffer, PIX_FMT_RGB32, _iDesiredW, _iDesiredH);
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// seek to frame ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool murmuurVIDEO::goToFrame(int numFrame) {
if (numFrame < 2) numFrame = 2;
av_seek_frame(_fpFile->FmtCtx, _spStreamV->StreamIdx, numFrame-2, AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY);
_frFrame = _getNextFrame();
_frFrame = _getNextFrame();
_lLastTime = _itTimer->getRealTime();
_frFrame = _getNextFrame();
return true;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// return a string to display in the window title ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
core::stringw murmuurVIDEO::getTitleBarStatus(void) {
char buffer [250];
sprintf(buffer, "%.2f:%.2f %s", iActualFrame * dSecondsPerFrame, fDuration, _sCurrentFile.c_str());
return buffer;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// set the playback volume, accepts 0.0-1.0, note 0.0 is not mute ///////////////////////////////////////////
void murmuurVIDEO::volumeLevel(float fVol) {
_fVolume = fVol;
alSourcef(_aiSource, AL_GAIN, _fVolume);
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// toggle mute on/off ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void murmuurVIDEO::volumeMute(void) {
_bMute = !_bMute;
if (_bMute) {
alSourcef(_aiSource, AL_MAX_GAIN, 0);
} else {
alSourcef(_aiSource, AL_MAX_GAIN, 1);
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// close the current active file ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void murmuurVIDEO::close(void) {
// Free the RGB image
if (_iBuffer != NULL)
delete [] _iBuffer;
if (_frFrameRGB != NULL)
// Free the YUV frame
if (_frFrame != NULL)
if (_img_convert_ctx != NULL)
// clear the frame buffer
// All data has been streamed in. Wait until the source stops playing it
do {
alGetSourcei(_aiSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &_aiState);
} while(alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR && _aiState == AL_PLAYING);
// All files done. Delete the source and buffers, and close OpenAL
alDeleteSources(1, &_aiSource);
alDeleteBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, _aiBuffers);
// close the file
fprintf(stderr, "\nDone.\n");
bVideoLoaded = false;
psVideostate = Closed;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// destruct /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
murmuurVIDEO::~murmuurVIDEO() {
if (psVideostate != Closed) {
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Posts: 135
- Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:56 am
- Location: UK
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Hi briajbriaj wrote:Hello, which are the requirements to complile this class on windows?
Thank you very much in advance.
this class is currently being used in windows32 bit, I have placed all of the headers/libs/dll required in one rar file here
http://www.thespecialist-online.com/ffm ... L_libs.rar
to compile for win64 you will need different libs
hope this helps
Thank you, I can see the video but cannot hear audio. This is the output:
Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.0
Personal (Build 7600)
Using renderer: Direct3D 9.0
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 240 nvd3dum.dll
Could not load shader function D3DXAssembleShader from dll, shaders disabled: d3
Could not create vertex shader.
Could not create vertex shader.
Loaded texture: C:/Users/3d/Documents/Irrlicht/images.jpg
Could not initialize ALUT (There was an error opening the ALC device)!
Resizing window (352 240)
Resetting D3D9 device.
Any idea?
Thank you very much!
Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.0
Personal (Build 7600)
Using renderer: Direct3D 9.0
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 240 nvd3dum.dll
Could not load shader function D3DXAssembleShader from dll, shaders disabled: d3
Could not create vertex shader.
Could not create vertex shader.
Loaded texture: C:/Users/3d/Documents/Irrlicht/images.jpg
Could not initialize ALUT (There was an error opening the ALC device)!
Resizing window (352 240)
Resetting D3D9 device.
Any idea?
Thank you very much!
- Posts: 135
- Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:56 am
- Location: UK
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hmmm, not sure, did you install openAL into your system?? as the important line is "Could not initialize ALUT (There was an error opening the ALC device)!", this is from one of the openAL init lines, can't be wrong code must be system setup.
http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/ ... Items.aspx
there is a windows installer 3rd down on the page
if you have already done this then try one of the test apps from the openAL SDK to test your system is setup correctly.
PS ffmpeg will work without installing a runtime hence why you have video
http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/ ... Items.aspx
there is a windows installer 3rd down on the page
if you have already done this then try one of the test apps from the openAL SDK to test your system is setup correctly.
PS ffmpeg will work without installing a runtime hence why you have video
Hi thespecial1, I found the answer here:
I believe I have to compile it in the Windows 7 machine. If I compile it in a Windows XP then in the Windows 7 throws an error althought I used the openal-soft version of the library in the compilation. The openal-soft version seems to work well on Windows 7 using the openal-info utility detecting the device ok.
Thank you very much indeed!
I believe I have to compile it in the Windows 7 machine. If I compile it in a Windows XP then in the Windows 7 throws an error althought I used the openal-soft version of the library in the compilation. The openal-soft version seems to work well on Windows 7 using the openal-info utility detecting the device ok.
Thank you very much indeed!
- Posts: 135
- Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:56 am
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hello everybody
first post on this forum 
I'm following this thread for some time and i'm very interested in a video player (like i guess a lot of people...).
I've tried to compile your code (without openAL, not interested in this for the moment) and it works, but with some issues
only 1 video (in the list i tried) works fine, the others crash after some frames. it's very strange. So i tried to re-encode my videos with the same parameters of the one which works and it doesn't work :'(
do you have a idea of what makes my video crash ?
hopefully, i tried to do my own movie class player (inspired by yours) and i've managed but i have about 12 FPS...(i've identified the slow function : texture->unlock())
@thespecial1 : can you explain me the steps of the reading of a video (without the sound) ? how can you have a good FPS rate with texture->unlock() ?

I'm following this thread for some time and i'm very interested in a video player (like i guess a lot of people...).
I've tried to compile your code (without openAL, not interested in this for the moment) and it works, but with some issues

do you have a idea of what makes my video crash ?
hopefully, i tried to do my own movie class player (inspired by yours) and i've managed but i have about 12 FPS...(i've identified the slow function : texture->unlock())
@thespecial1 : can you explain me the steps of the reading of a video (without the sound) ? how can you have a good FPS rate with texture->unlock() ?
my mistake...
i've tried your latest code with openAL. it works fine (you've done a great work, ffmpeg is horrible and very little information about it on the web), no more issue of crash (so we have to link openAL otherwise we can have some stability issues - i guess - )
the last issue : it plays movie slowly
any idea to improve the speed ? (good FPS rate but slow video)
my laptop is pretty good : core 2 duo T7700 @ 2.4GHz , 4go ddr2, nvidia 8600 mGT. very weird....
i've tried your latest code with openAL. it works fine (you've done a great work, ffmpeg is horrible and very little information about it on the web), no more issue of crash (so we have to link openAL otherwise we can have some stability issues - i guess - )
the last issue : it plays movie slowly

my laptop is pretty good : core 2 duo T7700 @ 2.4GHz , 4go ddr2, nvidia 8600 mGT. very weird....