Gizmo For You Game Development Contest

Competitions for Irrlicht or 3D in general.
Irrlicht Screenshot of the Month: Winner for January, vote for February, submit for March
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Gizmo For You Game Development Contest

Post by Gizmoman »


We are an Open Source community which makes ideas come to life. We take an idea from our members and create a complete final product from it which we then sell in our shop. Everything we do is completely Open Source. All Schematics, Software code and mechanical designs are available for any registered member to download and use as he wishes. All projects are publicly displayed in our project management section, with constant updates and feedback from the initiator of the idea.

One of the wishes that we got from our members was an Open Source Gaming platform which would be capable to look and operate as well as the latest gaming platforms currently in the market. After a period of development and feedback from the community we have developed the device and currently have it in our shop for anyone who wishes to purchase it or pre-order with a lower price since we do initial prototypes in quantities of 10 units at a time. You can read about the specifications of the gaming platform on our website.

An Open Source device which is great in every way is not enough, there are plenty of Open Source devices, with lesser specs and quality which use mostly Emulators for playing games that other companies created and are not officially supported nor they are meant for those devices.

In Order to break this curse we decided to make a contest for our own Gaming platform. It would be a shame not to use all the hardware features which the console has and marry them with a great Open Source gaming engine such as Irrlicht. To better understand the rules and idea behind this contest here is the description we came up with...


Anyone can take place in the contest, you can be 1 person or a team, freelancer or employee of another firm. The contestant/contestants should be 18years of age or more. The Contest is broken down to two stages, the Idea & Concept stage and the Development stage.

Stage1 - Idea & Concept

This is the initial stage which takes place between 05 of March and ends on 05 April. In this stage the contestants should introduce them selves to us and the rest of the community on our website where we shall be organizing the event in the Forum section, under the Game Development Contest topic. In the introduction you should describe your team or your self and the idea which you shall be developing. Once you have described your idea and the game theme you are going to develop you should create a discussion in the PXA Gaming Platform Group where you shall be updating everyone about your progress and development of the initial Idea or future development of the game. The initial description will NOT affect any decision or judgment for you final idea unless you create a second topic with the same title as the initial post in the forum with the addition FINAL IDEA. So for instance you create a topic "Super Racing Game" then you need to enter a second post when you are sure about your idea with the name "Super Racing Game - FINAL IDEA" and describe with as much detail as possible your idea attaching any images or demo files in a form of a zip or rar archive. The Judging and Voting will be based on the Second Post and NOT the initial introduction.

After 01 April the topics shall be locked and a decision based on Voting as well as Our own opinion shall be made after the period of 5 working days. There shall be 2 main Winners which will receive the following prizes:

1st Place
  • 1 Free Gaming Platform with all Development hardware required for developing a game
  • 1500 EURO money prize for development which will be Given in the form of 50% in the beginning of the Development stage and 50% when the development of the game is finished.
  • Permanent place in our shop for selling this and any future games with an 80% sales fee from any sold game in the shop
2nd Place
  • 1 Free Gaming Platform with all Development hardware required for developing a game
  • Permanent place in our shop for selling this and any future games with an 80% sales fee from any sold game in the shop
All other contestants that we select through voting and our own opinion for 3rd or lower places shall still have the 80% sales fee from any sold games in our shop if they choose to continue their project, however no founding will be made to these contestants with the only exception of a 10% discount on any purchased PXA Gaming Console from our shop.

Stage2 - Development

This is the main development stage which takes place between 05 of April and ends on 05 July. On 05 of April we shall transfer the initial 50% of the prize to the winner through PayPal or Bank Transfer (You shall be asked about the payment information once you enter the contest) and ship the Gaming Console with all required accessories for development. In this stage as the final product the contestant/contestants should present a working prototype of the game which should initially operate on a Linux Based system and later on ported onto the ARM based Gaming platform. We can help porting the game in the final stages of development if such help is required. All progress of development with descriptions and updates should be posted at-least once every week in the PXA Gaming Console Group discussion you have created in the first stage of the contest. If you fail to update your progress during the period of 10 working days then your submission will be canceled and you will not receive the remaining 50% of the prize. If you are in the 3rd or lower places then updates are optional but highly recommended.

All support and help on any console issues shall be provided during the entire development of you project. We shall help anyone who has a question and will give any documentation if such documentation is missing from our website. In general we shall be with you every step of the way and help you with any queries you have, may they be 3D design questions, Graphic design questions or related to software development.

Game Criteria

Since the game is to be developed for a Hand-held device with embedded processing power you should have in mind the following criteria:
  • Overall space required for a game should not be higher than 1GB. The games are going to be placed on micro-SD cards of 32MB, 512MB and 1GB
  • LCD Resolution is 480 x 272px with screen size of 4.3" Diagonal
  • Touchscreen Can be used but is optional
  • Analog Thumb stick on the Left side, 2 buttons on the left side and 4 directional buttons with a 5th center button on the right side can be used for controls
  • Audio Should be present in the game
  • Vibrator motor can be used (we can help on that) but is optional
  • WiFi can be used but have in mind that it shall not be available on all consoles since this is an optional feature when purchasing the console
  • Try making the game as Light-Weight as possible and try avoiding Hi-Res textures and High Polygonal models, additional optimization may be required
General Notes

Your idea does not have to be massive or have complex content. You should have in mind your resources and the time given for creating the game. The main criteria is for the game to be fun, simple and entertaining. We prefer if you spend more time on the graphics and the presentation it self rather than a complex story and large amount of 3D models and 3D scenes. If you are limited on resources then take as examples games such as Tetris, Monkey Ball, Chess, Racing, Puzzles.

Have in mind that the game is to be used commercially and no foul language or provocative media should be used. Games should preferably be for all age categories and be interesting to all genders and nationalities.

Most of all try to have fun, we hope that this effort will give the Open Source community a truly Open Source gaming solution and we develop a large collection of games and even larger community that will learn and help others learn all about games and all the work that goes into developing them.

If you have any questions regarding this contest then please feel free to post here or send us a direct E-mail at info AT gizmoforyou DOT com
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Post by shadowslair »

Hmm... interesting...

I have a question. It may be dumb, but english isn`t my native language, so I may have missed sth. If I understand correctly, in the first stage the idea is to be developed, some concept art, models etc, and probably the game inself in it early stage, written entirely in Irrlicht.

1) Then, will it still be developed entirely in Irrlicht in its second stage?
2) Is the linux-based platform a must, or there could be an Win alternative if no typical Windows libs and components are used?
"Although we walk on the ground and step in the mud... our dreams and endeavors reach the immense skies..."
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Post by Gizmoman »

Hi Shadowslair, glad you have questions :)

In the initial stage you should present your idea for the game in as much detail and media as possible. This will not only give us a picture about your game concept to judge but also will show us your capabilities for the development it self in the second stage.

1) Irrlicht is preferable but if you can create the game on another engine then we would still accept it as long as it can be ported to Linux and onto our platform in final stages
2)Windows is NOT recommended since Linux is the Operating environment of the device and is Open source as is our Core concept behind anything we do. Unless you can port your game onto a Linux platform in the second stage we shall not accept Windows apps. Rules are clear on this point.
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Post by SG57 »

Ahh this is my calling!

Gizmoman - I have been developing homebrew for the PSP for nearly 4 years now. That is 4 years on a portable handheld with 480x272 resolution, 333mhz processor, 32mb of RAM, 1 analog stick and a port of Irrlicht and ODE physics in C++.

One of my last games was a 3D Light Cycle (tron) game that won 1st place in a homebrew contest for $1,000 CAD. The game after that was a game based off the Kitten Cannon concept with an added cash tournament system from a gaming site.

I'm now really looking forward to this handheld, I've actually been developing a 3D RPG in Irrlicht for the PSP (and now this handheld heh) based off the .hack// emulated MMORPG gameplay concept. All the design, art, programming, sounds, music, story, etc. has been done entirely by me, the PSP has a dieing scene so I've sort of been looking for another portable console to jump to - this is it :)

Unfortunately my site got deleted by an ex girlfriend gone viral (*sigh*) but I still am putting up screenshots of the RPG's progress for all to see.

Yikes sorry for the wall of text :oops:
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Post by Gizmoman »

Hi and glad to have you on-board. Good job on the game. Glad that you developed for almost identical specs before, it should make things easier.

We are very excited about this platform since it is especially designed for all open source developers who would be making money from games and still have allot of fun and contribute. Since there is nothing to "hack" on this platform, it should be quite straight forward developing anything.

Once again, Glad to have you in our contest and all the best in your project.
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Post by shadowslair »

Hi, me agian! I have some more questions (probably even more will arise in time):
1) I see there are two versions of the console device- one with 400mhz processor and another one with 600mhz processor. Which version is the one in the "pre-order"?

2) What is the OS of the device?

3) Wondering whether you tried running some of the Irrlicht examples and if so, what frame rates do you get?

4) A video clip of the device look would be great (if possible). Even without app running.

The whole idea for such a device is great. Hopefully things will go the way you want them to be. :wink:
"Although we walk on the ground and step in the mud... our dreams and endeavors reach the immense skies..."
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Post by Pazystamo »

How do you plan to sell games if they are open source, and everyone will be able to download it for free? Or you sell SD cards with game, but who has cards can download it for free?
My project in forum- ATMOsphere - new dynamic sky dome for Irrlicht
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Post by GameDude »

Pazystamo wrote:How do you plan to sell games if they are open source, and everyone will be able to download it for free? Or you sell SD cards with game, but who has cards can download it for free?
Its still possible to sell open source software. Linux is open source and its sold. Sure there source code could be frelly downloaded, and anybody could compile and run it, but there is still money that can be made from open source software.
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Post by devsh »

and anybody could compile and run it
here is the important part, your standard g++ compilers and others might not work on gizmo.... so in effect you would need the gizmo developer compiler or no compile at all
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Post by Gizmoman »


1) If you register and login into the website you shall see the two options for selecting what platform you want on the device.

2) OS is Linux although others have been documented to work. Such as Ubuntu, Android (although they still both operate on linux) and Win CE. But we are using Linux and the 2.6.29 linux kernel at this time. A custom UI is being developed currently which would act similar to the PSP UI for ease of use.

3) We haven't tried yet, operating the 3D engine on the device is in the works but some final tweaks and optimizations in the final product of the game shall still need to be made once it is working and being tested.

4) We have planned such videos and shall be presenting them (as we do for other platforms we made) on the website during the following couple of weeks. You can monitor the status of videos on our YouTube channel although we shall also be posting them on our website.


Games that are to be developed for the platform are decided wherever to be Opened or not by the game developer. The engine and the environment it self is Open Source as well as the game. Since we only take a small precentage from the game, the choice of releasing or not the sources for it is up to the one developing it.

The games are to be sold on microSD cards with commercial packaging and graphics on our website. A second option will also be available to download the game on a lower price for those who want to load it with their own efforts through the game UI and linux package through the USB cable. Remember that not everyone who plays games actually knows how they are copied, ported or can be implemented on the platforms. We expect mostly normal end users to play the games as well as developers.

Releasing all the graphics or storyline during the contest is also not recommended so that the game still holds intrigue and has a meaning for everyone who is watching the contest to still play the game and not loose the interest in it. Any Specific details or files and other media can be sent to us for review or suggestions directly when the Second stage of the contest arrives.


You are correct but again, releasing the actual source for the game is up to the developer and not us. A donation can be made in the case where the developer wishes to release the game Sources and graphics. This can be discussed if such opportunity arises.


Not sure what you mean by this but there is no "special" g++ compiler for our Gaming platform. We currently use the default Open Embedded (OE) packages to compile Linx Kernel and Filesystem
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Post by Lord_Hellfire »

First I must say that I really like this contest. I was working on a game which meets most of the requirements for some time now, and I'm considering participating. But I've got few questions.

1. Can I introduce a game which is in development for about 6 months. (and two of them were used for creating version which was deleted when I switched from OGRE to Irrlicht) I do have a normal full time job and I cannot program as much as I would like to, so there is a lot of work still to do. Till this day not a single screenshot wasn't published anywhere in the Internet.

2. Rendering API. I guess that you are using 2700G series graphic co-processor. Which means that it's compatible with Open GL ES 1.0 standard. Could you please confirm that?

3. Normal maps. Does it support normal mapping? I know that it is in OpenGL ES 1.1, but I don't know is it in 1.0. Most of my models are normal mapped (about 90%) so it would be a huge setback for me if I would need to remove them.

4. Does the game have to be system exclusive? Or can I release it for other platforms? Are there any restrictions in this area?

And I would like to apologize for my English. It is not my first language, and it is possible that I made a lot of mistakes. I hope that my post was understandable.
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Post by shadowslair »

First, sorry about the kinda-spam, but looking at the PXA device I thought it could be even better- I find the button placement strange and some more buttons would be nice (this isn`t Game Boy 1). Anyway, I thought about what would this device look if it was up to me, NOT keeping in mind all the technoligical manufactoring problems that could possibly arise from such an modification.

Hehe! Here`s what I came up with for 15 minutes work in MS Paint. It`s just an idea being shared, nothing more. Note that the similarities with a PSP device are clearly visible, but IMO it`s a industry proven device everybody can learn from. The device is full black- here the buttons are shown in grey intentionally. ... design.jpg
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Post by Ulf »

I agree especially about having dual analog sticks and controller on left side.

Though I don't think they will change that now.

and the ability to connect output to a TV or monitor.
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Post by Adler1337 »

Holy sh!t, you made the game console! :shock: :D
Is this only available from you site? Have you ever thought about selling this at stores?

I would love to be a part of this. I am really busy at the moment and I have never made anything for a portable device, but this definately interests me.
The contestant/contestants should be 18years of age or more.
Hmm, not 18 until June. :(
multum in parvo
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Post by Gizmoman »

Lord_Hellfire: Glad to have you with us. Here are your answers:

1) Yes you can, as long as you can finish it in time (or at-least a reasonable amount of levels for the First release) If you shall be needing a month or so to finish after the end of the contest we can help you on that. You don't need to publish any content that will affect the intrigue of the game but a description or a storyline would be required since we need to know what game it is. You can send us Some Demo images if you like through E-mail.

2) There is no Co-processor in the unit, it only uses the on-board features of the PXA270 processor.

3) Normal mapping is not possible with OpenGL Es 1.0 Normal mapping requires fragment shaders to calculate the dot product between the normal and the color for each pixel. In general Normal mapping is not used in most commercial games for these sort of platforms simply because the screen doesn't show that much of detail and other techniques are used for creating similar effects.

4) It doesn't have to be exclusive as long as it will be available on our platform as well although we would prefer it.

We can also provide free hosting if you decide to create a website around your game and any further versions. Any other help can be provided. We have a talented team of 3D designers as well as programmers that can help along the way since helping you would benefit us. No problem on the language, as long as we understand what you need to say :)


We had similar concepts but there is a reason for having the features we do and the look on the current device. Mostly this is for cheaper manufacturing. Perhaps when we have the ability to create at-least 1000 units per batch we shall implement additional looks and controls.


We do not plan on releasing a new version any time soon although such possibility exists in the future.


Glad you like it :) It was actually not just me, the entire Gizmo For You team created it with my contribution as well.

Sorry to hear about your age though, 18 years or higher is a requirement.
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