i am developing a 3D version of the cult game called nethack.
This is a very complex hack and slay game.
Each game is a new adventure, because of all the random generated
dungeons monsters and objects.
The original game is still running in the background and i try to improve the game in graphics and gameplay.
The game itself is already playable but there is still a lot of work to do.
I noticed that i'm maybe a good programmer but a very bad graphic artist.
Now, i'm looking for some help to make this a popular freeware game.
The code is written in C and C++
It uses the irrlicht engine and irrklang for the sound.
For creating the 3D models i used blender and gimp.
I'm looking for:
- Pogrammers who can improving the camera system, light system, animation/effects or just the gameplay.
- 3D Modelers for creating/animating 3D models.
- 2D Artists to create some textures and Icons
- sound or music artists
- website desingers
Thank you so far,
i hope you will join the team.