This game is going to be a freeware mini golf game but I would like to test it out before I release it.
If you come across any problems please let me know and I will try to fix it.
Such problems could range from AI get stuck to menu doesn't respond. Anything is appreciated.
new (5/15/10)
New beta version is out fix all problems mention by forum and some
other bugs that I found.
--Bugs fixed--
Fix camera getting stuck at the beginning of the hole after the camera fly by intro is done
Invisible walls next to hole fixed
expand physic world boundaries
add camera modes - change between top view or normal view ( this will help people not being able to see the ball when it is close to the wall, by changing the camera to a top down view)
tweaked some AI
Rearranged holes 10 - 18
Re textured all coarse walls and grass
fix option menu bugs with image quality along with tiny game menus bugs
add extra sound effects
some other small bugs and hole problems fixed
--Not going to fix--
This might upset some of you, but I am not going to redo the low res texture on the ground. I tried and I can't achieve a nice looking high res ground. I would say it's a learning process and next game I want make the same mistake.
Western theme mini golf
1-4 players
Computer Players
18 holes
DirectX 9.0c
Windows platform
vertex/pixel shaders 2.0 (deactivated if computer doesn't support it)
Newton Game Dynamics 2.18 engine
Any ideas for a name will be appreciated, because I think western mini golf seems plan.
Thanks in advance
Skip player during game. (instead of watching AI, or you yourself finish the hole,
this tells the game that the player finished the hole)
esc -> open quit menu
f key -> close quit menu and activates cheat
This comes in handy during testing.
Download link - beta v2 (5/15/10) ...