Heres a post I made about it on my website, read it for more info/tutorial:
It can make game development so much smoother, and I've experienced that first hand. I'm currently using it in one of my projects and in the first 2 days I already had a feature-full, working, game engine.
But I don't think efficient entity systems are on the minds of most developers since it seems inheritance is the way to go so to spread the word of this I want to make this competition:
Make a program showcasing that technique and its possibilities!
The winner will be chosen by public vote. Upload your application for others to download. Also, you are encouraged to upload the source as well to better show off the technique, but its up to you and wont affect your chances of winning

The only rule is that you have to use that technique. You can use the honesty system or upload your source code

I think about a month should be enough time. Everyone has until October 10th to submit their applications/games. Voting will end on October 20th, thats when the winner will be chosen
I don't have much to offer, but I could review the winners application and make a post about it on my website, with a link to the winners own website/blog/profile page/anything else they wish to link to
I will not be entering the contest because I'm trying to finish my game before the IGF deadline and I'm already so far into development

dynamic classes(variables and functions can be added to a class during runtime!)