Terrain editing TOOL list

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Terrain editing TOOL list

Post by Fury »

There is a tool list that is never ending. There are lots of differents terrain editors. The main goal of a terrain editor is always the same.

Load a Heightmap (a image file in wich every pixel is a "different height") and generate procedurally a mesh terrain from that file.

Main rendering tecniques are:

A)Heightmap + colormap + detail texture
B)Heightmap + detail map + 2/3 texture splattings(multipass )

C)Heightmap + N textures + shaders for multitexturing
(where N is the number of texture processors of your video card and usually go from 4(oldest card) up to 16 or more (newest cards).

D) pure mesh + colormap

Here a list of main terrain editor, please if you find someone new tell me, i will try it if at least a shareware or a demo version is available and i will put a summary description

name: Earthsculptor
rendering tecniques: (A) with up to 8 detail textures
purpose: fast creation of landscapes for multimedia and videogames
editing tecniques: noise, heightmap, splat
lightmap: RGB (no HDR support)
heightmap editing: yes (8 tools for that)
undo: poor (only 5 undo in free version, and 30 in commercial version)
water: middle quality. Suitable only for in-editor rendering?
export formats: PNG 16 bits textures, optimized OBJ meshes
import formats: all images, and standard heightmaps (grey images)
notes: plugin system, limited for free use (c++, with dlls)
free use: yes but limited
commercial use: need a license
terrain paging: no
unlimited world: no (in commercial version up to 4097 in free version 257)
opensource: no (sample source of plugins is provided, but it is not the whole code)
can help develop: .yes buying a license (but i think the code cannot be used for any external use)
drivers: OpenGL (especially works well on windows)

rendering tecniques: (A,B,D), 6 detail textures or baked textures/mesh
purpose:any purpose (flat land ok, no entire planets or star systems)
editing tecniques: heightmap, lightmap, texture painting
lightmap: yes but no HDR(?)
heightmap editing: great (also walls and cliffs allowed)
undo: ?
water: yes
export formats: B3D , direcX mesh.X, Height/color/alpha Maps ,Dynamic Terrain Kit Export
import formats: any image,B3D , direcX mesh.X, Height/color/alpha Maps ,Dynamic Terrain Kit Export
notes: can also add scenario elements (world editor, not only terrain)
free use: a limited demo is coming soon
commercial use: need a license
terrain paging: theorically yes (but importing in videogames need your own paging, so only editor rendering is paged(?))
unlimited world: yes (but not really light weight, tiling function)
opensource: no
can help develop: no
drivers: work only on windows (i don't know if it using opengl or directx)
http://www.planetside.co.uk/component/o ... /Itemid,1/
rendering tecniques: C
purpose: realistic landscapes and scenarios
editing tecniques: ?
lightmap: great, plus shaders and HDR support
heightmap editing: great
undo: ?
water: ?
export formats: propietary format
import formats: many formats
notes: can be used also for animate natural environment, create sky boxes, everything is realistic
free use: free but limited (for full features need a license)
commercial use: need a license (registered version)
terrain paging: no
unlimited world: no
opensource: no but developer SDK comes with registered version
can help develop: yes
drivers: .. I suppose OpenGL since it is available for both MAC and WINDOWS
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... hp?t=32251
name: Clady editors set(based on Katsankat work)
rendering tecniques: A, B
purpose: demostration of terrain editing with irrlicht
editing tecniques: heightmap, texture splatting
lightmap: no
heightmap editing: very poor
undo: no
water: no
export formats: many heightmap formats (irrlicht images)
import formats: many heightmap formats (irrlicht images)
notes: there are several tools every one for one purpose, and it uses a irrlicht wrapper known as Ninfa3D that is not stable on all systems as irrlicht itself (someone can have some problems running those toolsets), source of rendering plugin for texture splatting is missing. you can splat your terrain and how can you use it in side a game?
free use: yes
commercial use: ?
terrain paging: no
unlimited world: no
opensource: no
can help develop: no
drivers:irrlicht drivers (DX8, DX9, OpenGL)

this is the template for describing the editor, if you want to add a new editor. please help me adding more categories for classifing terrain editors.
name: ..
rendering tecniques: (A , B , C or D ?)
purpose: (realistic worlds? videogames? ecc)
editing tecniques:
lightmap: yes/no/poor/great
heightmap editing: yes/no/poor/great
water: yes/no/poor/great
export formats: ...
import formats: ...
notes: ...
free use: ...
commercial use: ....
terrain paging: ...
unlimited world: ...
opensource: ...
can help develop: ....
drivers: .. the editor rendering is via openGL or DirectX (since usually the export formats are well knowed the exported work can work on every machine having a game engine workin on it (irrlicht for example :)
the page is in editing, so if you read it now you can see it change.
i'm going to add all freeware and opensource editors i can find in the web, but this need time and lots of more works. also editors and code snippets i found there in irrlicht forum will be linked. (i noticed several of them in last days)
Last edited by Fury on Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fury »

added few editors.
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Post by Luben »

Seems to me like information like this belongs on the wiki instead of on the forums. I'm not criticizing your efforts to gather information though.
Just feels like a forum might not be the best place to keep information etc.. =p
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Post by Fury. »

Sure that's a good idea. But making an effort to the wiki is more time wasting than making a thread on the forum. I will seriously consider that idea anyway thanks.
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Post by yaten »

terragen attracted my attention on your list sir fury, and i tried it, its great for making skyboxes ^_^ i just made my own skybox on it and its pretty good! unfortunately, I could only make up to 512x512 image on free and it says it is only for non-commercial use. although it is only 99USD for terragen classic, 99USD is a bit expensive for just skyboxes, so I have to explore how I can maximize the potential of terragen classic first before buying it ^_^

anyway, thanks for this great treasure cove of info. ^_^
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Post by ACE247 »

Don't forget about L3DT, that combined with EarthSculptor is just awesome!
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Post by nespa »

Clady3DTerrainEditor02 has no texture splatting. It has just the heightmap editor and the colormap editor (2 in 1). It uses fixed functions pipeline to blend textures based on alpha value. You can save the heightmap and the colormap and then you can use them in Irrlicht.

The next version of Clady3d will be with texture splatting.(GLSL fo OpenGL);

It is free to use , commercial or just for enjoy!
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Re: Terrain editing TOOL list

Post by Fury. »

name: large 3D terrain
rendering tecniques: D
purpose: large worlds for video games
editing tecniques: manual , or automatic generation (great)
lightmap: fast
heightmap editing: great
water: .yes
export formats: ...
import formats: ...
notes: ...
free use: ...
commercial use: ....
terrain paging: ...
unlimited world: ...
opensource: ...
can help develop: ....
i'm updating this post
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Post by nespa »

-sculpt and paint with fixed functions pipeline for both OpenGl and DirectX9.0c:

http://www.filefactory.com/file/cade60d ... itor03.rar

-sculpt and paint terrain texture splatting with GLSL shader for OpenGL and HLSL shader for DirectX9.0c:

http://www.filefactory.com/file/cadd81c ... latGUI.rar

Free !
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Post by jorgerosa »

This is not exactly an terrain editor, but its the cool way to make terrain in 3DS Max.
This is the technique that i use to create terrains:
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8YbLaMwLiQ
However, at the moment, i´m trying to migrate to Blender, since 3D Studio Max is too expensive for me.
[Off-Topic] There is something similar in Blender? Thanks in advance.
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