Its fixed now!, i did a forum find for vector.h and found nothing, thast why i asked.cobra wrote: Change map.h to just map, and vector.h to just vector.
This is already fixed for 0.1.7, which will be out by January 5th.
Thanks for your time!
Its fixed now!, i did a forum find for vector.h and found nothing, thast why i asked.cobra wrote: Change map.h to just map, and vector.h to just vector.
This is already fixed for 0.1.7, which will be out by January 5th.
Hey, its Vector from the IRC. I have finally managed to get Bullet working with that irrBullet you sent me and it works nicely. However, there appears to be an issue with the IGImpactMeshShape when you use it on a non-static object (an object with a mass that is not 0). The object will fall freely through open space just fine, but when it collides with any object in the scene, there is a noticeable FPS drop. That's not the problem however, when it lands on a flat surface and begins to settle, it causes an incredible amount of lag that drops the FPS to nearly 0. I have tried changing the model to everything I have sitting around (Suit case, cars, tables, everything). All of the models cause the same FPS drop.jorgerosa wrote:Thankyou for your efforts cobra, your work is really impressive. Was easy to me to add physics to my projects, even for a newbie like me.
Upon downloading irrBullet, be sure to read the Doxygen documentation, readme.txt, and refer to the FAQ list before asking any questions.irrBullet 0.1.7 Release:
Added: IRaycastVehicle constructor and irrBulletWorld::addRaycastVehicle() changed to allow custom vehicle raycaster to be given as a parameter
Added: class IVehicleRaycaster; IRaycastVehicle now uses this improved raycaster that allows for collision masking and collision groups; also added IRaycastVehicle::getVehicleRaycaster() and getVehicleRaycasterCustom()
Added: setUnscaledRadius() and getRadius() to ISphereShape
Added: irrBulletWorld::removeRaycastVehicle()
Added: IRigidBody::setVehicleReference() and getVehicleReference; When a vehicle reference is set, the vehicle will be removed when the rigid body is removed.
Added: Collision example
Improved: now no new btTransform instance is created inside IRigidBody::setWorldTransform()
Changed: move setWorldTransform() and getWorldTransform() from IRigidBody to ICollisionObject
Fixed: ISoftBody::updateSoftBody() now actually positions the scene node it controls, as well as the vertices
Fixed: now soft bodies take the initial transformation of the node which they control on creation
Improved: now ISoftBody and IRigidBody constructors do not create new matrices; removed startPosition from SRigidBodyConstructionInfo
Fixed: in irrBulletWorld's destructor, it removed every other rigid body
Fixed: crash in ICollisionObject destructor when the object is a softbody
Changed: added parameter for motion threshold in ICollisionObject::applyCalculatedCcdValues()
Changed: moved getCollisionShape(), setCollisionShape(), and ICollisionShape property to IRigidBody instead of ICollisionObject
Changed: ICollisionObject::setWorldTransform() now supports softbodies
Added: SSoftBodyConfiguration struct to hold softbody configuration
Added: ISoftBody::getConfiguration() (return reference) and updateConfiguration()
Added: ISoftBody::setScale() and getScale()
Added: irrBulletWorld::getIrrlichtDevice() returns pointer to Irrlicht device
Added: irrBulletWorld::getDebugMaterial() returns SMaterial&
Added: ICollisionObjectAffectorAttract
Improved: ICollisionCallbackInformation::getBody0() and getBody1()
Removed: IAttributes property from SWheelInfo struct
Changed: common.h to irrbulletcommon.h to avoid conflicts with includes of other libraries
Fixed: small bug in irrBulletWorld::debugDrawProperties() where displayed total number of objects was not the correct number (only sleeping or active were accounted for, not other activation states)
Fixed: crash in ICollisionObjectAffectorAttact::affectObject() when the affected object was a softbody
Added: ICollisionObjectAffectorBuoyancy to simulate objects floating in liquid
Added: debug-drawing settings in ICollisionObjectAffector
Added: ISoftBody::addCollisionMode(), removeCollisionMode(), and generateClusters()
Changed: updated SCollisionObjectIdentification to hold an ICollisionObject pointer, not an object ID
Added: ILiquidBody to emulate a body of liquid
Added: LiquidBody example
API CHANGE (internal): renamed IMotionState::setObject() to IMotionState::setRigidBody() and changed property ICollisionObject to type IRigidBody
Added: IRigidBody::setDebugWaterBox() and updateWaterBox()
Changed: cleaned up and optimized all code (where found/possible)
Added: IMotionState::getWorldTransformationMatrix() to return an Irrlicht matrix4 with the interpolated Bullet rigidbody transform
Changed: All irrBullet demos updated
Changed: Bullet 2.77 is now included with irrBullet
Added: SRaycastInfo struct added and included as a public property in SWheelInfo
Added: Affectors example
Added: MSVC 2008 and 2010 support (project files and pre-built binaries)
Changed: updated Doxygen documentation
Added: FAQ manual
Code: Select all
KeyIsDown[event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown;
Code: Select all
if (attributes)
Hey, one of those was me!(there are 26 downloads at the time of me writing this)