If you are talking about the Rain Engine in my signature, no it's not, it's a complete game engine project I've been working on since june (non-irrlicht based)EinsteinDarkangel wrote: Is the Rain Engine a Rain Scene Node for Irrlicht?
Sunrays, skinning, many many many other questions (40 total)
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- Location: Australia
What I meant in relation to SAppContext is this:
a) does it have a special meaning to the IEventManager?
b)What can I put in it
c)Is there any specific reason why it interfaces with IEventManager instead of just being seperate?
Do you know of any free e-books on C++. I know most of the stuff, but as I have said before, I have a rather bad memory, so a resource where i can look up the things i once learnt every now and again would be helpful
(pdf file format is preferable)
How do I Initialise a defined class?
This intialiser for the class DOCCore requires argc and argv (I wrote it)
if I define it like this:
namespace DOC
namespace DOCCore
DOC::DOCCore::DOCCore DCCore;
do i intialise it like this:
DOC::DOCCore::DCCore = DOC::DOCCore::DOCCore::DOCCore(argc, argv)

PS. I am using the namespaces to define the various section of the framework. DOCCore class is the integral class, sort of like IrrlichtDevice is in Irrlicht
Basically the idea is that DCCore, the implementation of DOCCore, is global and provides the various things needed, like links to the Configuration files, IrrlichtDevice, SoundEngine, PhysicsEngine, AddonManager, and also stores most of the Framework properties....seems the framework is somehow becoming closer to an All-Purpose Engine instead of just a game framework.
I haven't coded most of ithe classes and most of the other ..... like a big idiot i am not planning, just coding as i go along....so I don't even know how many other classes still need to be implemented.
Should I start a new post on this forum with an updated list of questions from this post or should I continue using this one?
As soon as I have Implemented, thought up, and built all the classes I will hopefully be able to post about them here. So far the basic framework is mostly in place....but most stuff still needs to be implemented.
An Idea I have had is that based on what the user will be using it for DOC will decide what aspects of itself they need. eg. A visualisation project might require a graphics and physics engine, but it is doubtful it will require a sound engine. I have a way for the user to inform the project of what it is being used for, but what I want to know is this: If I define the various engines, will they be compiled into the project if #undefine is used inside the main program?
a) does it have a special meaning to the IEventManager?
b)What can I put in it
c)Is there any specific reason why it interfaces with IEventManager instead of just being seperate?
Do you know of any free e-books on C++. I know most of the stuff, but as I have said before, I have a rather bad memory, so a resource where i can look up the things i once learnt every now and again would be helpful
(pdf file format is preferable)
How do I Initialise a defined class?
This intialiser for the class DOCCore requires argc and argv (I wrote it)
if I define it like this:
namespace DOC
namespace DOCCore
DOC::DOCCore::DOCCore DCCore;
do i intialise it like this:
DOC::DOCCore::DCCore = DOC::DOCCore::DOCCore::DOCCore(argc, argv)

PS. I am using the namespaces to define the various section of the framework. DOCCore class is the integral class, sort of like IrrlichtDevice is in Irrlicht
Basically the idea is that DCCore, the implementation of DOCCore, is global and provides the various things needed, like links to the Configuration files, IrrlichtDevice, SoundEngine, PhysicsEngine, AddonManager, and also stores most of the Framework properties....seems the framework is somehow becoming closer to an All-Purpose Engine instead of just a game framework.
I haven't coded most of ithe classes and most of the other ..... like a big idiot i am not planning, just coding as i go along....so I don't even know how many other classes still need to be implemented.
Should I start a new post on this forum with an updated list of questions from this post or should I continue using this one?
As soon as I have Implemented, thought up, and built all the classes I will hopefully be able to post about them here. So far the basic framework is mostly in place....but most stuff still needs to be implemented.
An Idea I have had is that based on what the user will be using it for DOC will decide what aspects of itself they need. eg. A visualisation project might require a graphics and physics engine, but it is doubtful it will require a sound engine. I have a way for the user to inform the project of what it is being used for, but what I want to know is this: If I define the various engines, will they be compiled into the project if #undefine is used inside the main program?
Last edited by EinsteinDarkangel on Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
You must REALLY have a bad memory, I read at least 5 people tell you that first; you won't be able to make anything worth anything, and second; GOOGLE IT YOURSELF NUB!!!Einstein wrote:Do you know of any free e-books on C++. I know most of the stuff, but as I have said before, I have a rather bad memory, so a resource where i can look up the things i once learnt every now and again would be helpful
These forums are for IRRLICHT, not c++, not ogre, just irrlicht. Most of the questions you've asked aren't irrlicht related at all, in fact they aren't even game related, they're basic c++ questions.
You CAN NOT just slap a bunch of poop together and have it work, the hardest part (and what keeps us all around) is the design aspect of the code. Programming is like science or engineering, sure I can duct tape all sorts of poop together in highschool but that doesn't mean I know what I'm doing or that it would work on an industrial scale.
Perhaps you just want to play, maybe you have no desire to do this commercially at all, which is fine and also gives you a lot of room to breath when it comes to a battle of creating it vs doing it properly, but chances are without doing it properly you won't ever get it working in the first place.
Most of us around here are reminded of a time 5 years ago when we all asked the same questions you have, but the difference is when we were told to go learn something we did.
Here's my advice to you, stop posting in the forum, come on IRC and ask your questions, or actually search for the answers instead of expecting all of us to do your work for you.
You need to take this far more seriously, you haven't even gotten to the difficult parts yet. And nobody gives two shits about your handicaps, so stop reminding us, thanks.
Oh, and I'm not angry, or attacking you, or whatever. This is me answering your questions how everyone else has already tried and failed.
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:36 am
- Location: Australia
I have, and have found a couple of books i intend to download off google books...now I have found out how to download the copyrighted books(which is nearly all of them):D
Sorry about my complaining.
OK, some of my questions are not Irrlicht related, but also they are not all questions I can find answers to on Google(eg. unsigned long to wchar_t*. static_cast is what you are told to use...it does not work)
What is IRC?
Sorry about my complaining.
OK, some of my questions are not Irrlicht related, but also they are not all questions I can find answers to on Google(eg. unsigned long to wchar_t*. static_cast is what you are told to use...it does not work)
What is IRC?
I feel like I should also say that you seem a very bright individual and I wish you the best of luck.
But slow your roll homie, you need to understand what you're doing first, and nobody is fooled into believing you know programming.
The reason why everyone wants you to work on smaller projects is because it'll slowly teach you how to program, eventually you'll learn that their is concepts at play, and how to use them effectively. That is the path we have all taken, we have all had to struggle to learn programming before even considering that we could build engines.
And if you don't plan on building at least 5 games with your "engine" then you are wasting your time. Building libraries of code is more involved than just building a program, the ONLY reason you should ever make a library is when you intend on reusing that code.
Each game is different in design, and NOTHING you have mentioned thus far is anything you'd find in a proper game engine/framework. Things you find in game engines are state machines (for intro, menu, play states) in most cases, this is how it was done in the past for many games. A gamestack of states is how you would deal with pausing and ingame menus and such. There are many other patterns and coding practices that have to be used in the right places to acheive the magnum opus that is a modern game.
Most of the people I talk to that are building engines these days are focused on optimizing it. Why? Well because you'll find you have tighter limitations than you think. And your frames per second will continue to drop each time you add another line of code that gets executed.
Imagine you have all these other libraries (which is excessive without even thinking about it) and you add in another class or something that uses parts of each one (like a new state or something) you have to understand that the more data you start throwing around the less and less resources you'll have to work with, well for someone like you who wants some of everything you'll quickly find it won't work.
You sound like you're building spore, you will NEVER build spore alone. And you definately don't want half the poop you mentioned in a FPS, because an FPS needs a LOT of speed, otherwise your collisions become very inaccurate and you'll frustrate a lot of players like that to the point that they'll choose something better.
You can't see it now, but you're going to need some very complex systems to manage all of the things you want, and as someone who seems to know almost nothing about programming you're going to be running in circles trying to make the code fit your ideas and add-ons.
That is not how programming works friend, it works by being well designed, right now you are a cave man trying to build a cadillac out of sticks and branches.
But slow your roll homie, you need to understand what you're doing first, and nobody is fooled into believing you know programming.
The reason why everyone wants you to work on smaller projects is because it'll slowly teach you how to program, eventually you'll learn that their is concepts at play, and how to use them effectively. That is the path we have all taken, we have all had to struggle to learn programming before even considering that we could build engines.
And if you don't plan on building at least 5 games with your "engine" then you are wasting your time. Building libraries of code is more involved than just building a program, the ONLY reason you should ever make a library is when you intend on reusing that code.
Each game is different in design, and NOTHING you have mentioned thus far is anything you'd find in a proper game engine/framework. Things you find in game engines are state machines (for intro, menu, play states) in most cases, this is how it was done in the past for many games. A gamestack of states is how you would deal with pausing and ingame menus and such. There are many other patterns and coding practices that have to be used in the right places to acheive the magnum opus that is a modern game.
Most of the people I talk to that are building engines these days are focused on optimizing it. Why? Well because you'll find you have tighter limitations than you think. And your frames per second will continue to drop each time you add another line of code that gets executed.
Imagine you have all these other libraries (which is excessive without even thinking about it) and you add in another class or something that uses parts of each one (like a new state or something) you have to understand that the more data you start throwing around the less and less resources you'll have to work with, well for someone like you who wants some of everything you'll quickly find it won't work.
You sound like you're building spore, you will NEVER build spore alone. And you definately don't want half the poop you mentioned in a FPS, because an FPS needs a LOT of speed, otherwise your collisions become very inaccurate and you'll frustrate a lot of players like that to the point that they'll choose something better.
You can't see it now, but you're going to need some very complex systems to manage all of the things you want, and as someone who seems to know almost nothing about programming you're going to be running in circles trying to make the code fit your ideas and add-ons.
That is not how programming works friend, it works by being well designed, right now you are a cave man trying to build a cadillac out of sticks and branches.
Internet Relay Chat... it's what skype would have been if the world wasn't full of women and old people. lolEinsteinDarkangel wrote:What is IRC?
I just realised that you said you were on dialup, and I can understand how searching is hindered by that. So I'm going to do you a solid.
Here's a list of links you should try:
With the last two you'll find answers to all of your questions. One habit you're going to want to curb is looking for source code, and instead learn to write your own code and learn the practice behind what you're trying to build and in most cases build it yourself with ONLY the parts you need.
I chose not to use boost, so I'm probably going to end up building my own smart ptr system, as one example. My system will be much faster, but had I needed more of boost (and may still) I would surely use that rather than program my own.
I will show you something though, if you heed my words.
unsigned long num = 5;
wchar_t* text = (wchar_t*)num;
This is the C or C++ standard way to typecast, if you were going to use the other method I think what you want is static_cast<>. But to be honest I'm not exacly sure. but you can easily look up typecasting and figure it out.
Why you are converting numbers to chars idk, I'm willing to bet that you don't need to do it like that though.
cout << num.atio() << endl;
// ever heard of atio? no? learn programming...
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:36 am
- Location: Australia
Thank You.
The 'engine' is only going to be a 'analysis', although it has some functions implemented, it has let me find out what i want to implement in a real game, helpful in the near future. Most of it is unimplemented...and some of the code which looked good turned out to be buggy...ah well, according to your advice in 5 years i should be able to make a better one, and maybe reuse some of the code.
PS. I will not be posting on this post anymore...I have probably broken the forum rules by constantly adding new things to it
PPS. You are right about dial up: 48K/sec HTTP and 4K/sec FTP is bad, really bad (and those are the maximums
The 'engine' is only going to be a 'analysis', although it has some functions implemented, it has let me find out what i want to implement in a real game, helpful in the near future. Most of it is unimplemented...and some of the code which looked good turned out to be buggy...ah well, according to your advice in 5 years i should be able to make a better one, and maybe reuse some of the code.
PS. I will not be posting on this post anymore...I have probably broken the forum rules by constantly adding new things to it

PPS. You are right about dial up: 48K/sec HTTP and 4K/sec FTP is bad, really bad (and those are the maximums