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Post by macron12388 »

hendu wrote:
Many programmers have created and promoted the computer programming language known as "open source code" to be shared on public sites at no cost, but licensing issues are murky.
programming language known as "open source code"
:lol: :P

Also remember, one of the most dangerous things in programming: users with ideas.
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Post by kazymjir »

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Post by omaremad » ... re=related

shame there was no irrlicht refrence
"Irrlicht is obese"

If you want modern rendering techniques learn how to make them or go to the engine next door =p
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Post by macron12388 »

omaremad wrote: ... re=related

shame there was no irrlicht refrence
It's funny because it's true.

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Post by Brainsaw »

@macron12388: this is a real classic. I've been working for 6 software companies until now (during my time at the university and after), and this image was hanging around somewhere in every single one of them. But, as you said, it's true, so I still love it.

Btw: I'm not sure if it's funny or sad because *it's real*
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Post by kazymjir »

While copying backup files to second drive I found this nice from our IRC channel (dunno when it was):

My nick was adam_aek :)
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Post by kine »

ahah very funny :D
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Post by Bate »

rather math-related, pretty funny tho. :)

Never take advice from someone who likes to give advice, so take my advice and don't take it.
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Post by shadowslair »

<entity> haha
<Cobra171> lolololo
<entity> now i am taking over this channel!
<Cobra171> attack of the entities
<entity> EVIL{those who will dare to oppose me shall be destroyed!}
<adam_aek> entity forgot to leave loop
<entity> :)
<adam_aek> :>
* entity ->clone();
* entity-clone5 (5587979b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #irrlicht
<Cobra171> ....
<d3jake> ...
<adam_aek> ..
* entity-clone5 ->remove();
* entity-clone5 has quit (Client Quit)
<d3jake> entity->drop()
<d3jake> ;
<Cobra171> LOL
<Cobra171> There are probably more references.
<Cobra171> delete entity;
<d3jake> channelManager->remove(entity);
<d3jake> channelDevice->remove(entity);
<d3jake> :/
<Cobra171> while(getNumEntities() > 0) { removeEntityByIndex(0); }
<adam_aek> entity->setPosition(hell->getPosition());
<Cobra171> LOL
<Cobra171> Awesome.
<d3jake> XD
<Cobra171> adam_aek: New to Irrlicht?
<d3jake> entity->setAbsoluteTransformation(hell->getAbsoluteTransformation());
<Cobra171> entity->setParent(satan);
* entity ->setHardwareMappingHint(EHM_INHELL);
<adam_aek> Cobra171: no, I was on this channel about some month ago
<Cobra171> lololo
<Cobra171> adam_aek: Okay
<adam_aek> i made this thing with balls (bored programmer)
<Cobra171> entity->faceTarget(satan->getPosition()); entity->playMD2Animation(EMDA_SALUTE);
* entity ->setScale(1000,1000,1000);
<entity> wassup, tiny humans?
<Cobra171> entity->setLinearVelocity(vector3df(0,100000000000.0,0));
<d3jake> Umm...
<d3jake> Syntax error dude
<Cobra171> yeah
<Cobra171> you forgot vector3df
<Cobra171> :D
<entity> oh yeah -.-
<d3jake> error: No function matching entity::setScale(int, int, int));
<Cobra171> etntiy = 0
<Cloudef> while(1) { fork(); }
<d3jake> entity->setScale(irr::core::vector3df(-1,-1,-1));
<entity> setting my pointer to 0 wont remove me xD now actually you cant access me and there is nothing else you can do
<Cobra171> I saved another.
<Cobra171> And we did remove you
<Cobra171> Check above
<adam_aek> while(true) entity->setRotation(vector3df(rand(),rand(),rand()))
<d3jake> XD
* entity ->getRidOff(EHN_ALL);
<Cloudef> entity->getValue("health") / 0;
This is really funny- sort of how you guys tried to execute entity, but obviously he managed to survive somehow (serializeAttributes() maybe?!) `cause he`s still around. Tough guy... :lol:
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Post by kazymjir »

This is perfect example how man should deal with woman :twisted:

Shadowslair, yeah, Ent1ty was like good written virus - very hard to remove :)
This irc log is good answer why I so like this forum :D

damn, can't stop laughing when seeing Bate picture with "i<3" :D
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Post by roelor »

Code: Select all

If only you could do that in real life..
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Post by kazymjir »

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Post by ChaiRuiPeng »

kazymjir wrote:

Oh hahah hooo hahah!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i laughed so hard in the building my parents had to check my health if i was well!!
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Post by kazymjir »

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Post by ent1ty »

Code: Select all

entity	B0o-supermario: i bet your name is John
Vector_	Nope.
entity	Vector_: i bet your name is Grumpy
B0o-supermario	My name is john
Vector_	No, its Rumple Stilt Skin.
B0o-supermario	But who said?
Vector_	Or perhaps that's one word, I dunno.
entity	me did
B0o-supermario	Who said it to you?
entity	no, seriously? 0.o
entity	haha
entity	awesome
entity	told you i'm Jedi
entity	B0o-supermario, i guessed
entity	awesome
And private conversation with the guy

Code: Select all

Started talking with B0o-supermario on piatok 4. 2. 2011 21:53:53
B0o-supermario	Harley said to you, right?
entity	who;s harley
entity	seriously man, i guessed
B0o-supermario	No
B0o-supermario	Harley said it to you
entity	john is the typical english/american name
B0o-supermario	I said him that my name is join
entity	and i have no idea who harley is
B0o-supermario	John*
entity	the motorbike?
B0o-supermario	No
B0o-supermario	Not bike
B0o-supermario	Harley is the person who has been trolling around but now he corrected himself...
entity	what, the word soup?
entity	ajakuiop?
entity	i doubt that guy is correcting himself
B0o-supermario	No
B0o-supermario	He is heartless
entity	that fits
B0o-supermario	And did you really really guess my name?
entity	yes 
B0o-supermario	So can i trust harley?
entity	dunno who he is
B0o-supermario	Ok
B0o-supermario	Can you promise that you really guessed it?
entity	i can, but if was lying all he time, i could too 
entity	if i was*
B0o-supermario	Ok
B0o-supermario	You aren't evil
entity	off course not, i'm jedi
B0o-supermario	Sorry for doubting you 
entity	no problem
*B0o-supermario is happy now
*B0o-supermario gives some power mushrooms to entity!
*entity says thanks, i guess
irrRenderer 1.0
Height2Normal v. 2.1 - convert height maps to normal maps

Step back! I have a void pointer, and I'm not afraid to use it!
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