Garfinkle wrote:Just to clarify or make things easier to follow.
Download Template and compiled Libraries.
and the Irrlicht Engine header Files (updated and patched)
Extract the contents of IrrlichtTemplate to your projects folder
example: /Users/<yourname>/Projects/IrrlichtTemplate
Extract the contents of IrrlichtEngine to your projects folders (this means you don't need to update your library search paths etc)
example: /Users/<yourname>/Projects/IrrlichtEngine.
If running on simulator leave RUNNING_ON_DEVICE set to 0 in If running on device (and you have iPhone SDK 4.0) set RUNNING_ON_DEVICE to 1.
// on simulator or no iOS 4.x SDK
// on device with iOS SDK 4.x
*NOTE* if running on a device do not forget to set your code signing certificate -> Double click on IrrlichTemplate in targets section on left hand side, set code signing in build options
that is all you need to do to get the template running.
Quick breakdown of features.
* Ready to run on Device and Simulator
* Integrated Touch Controls
* Integrated Bullet Physics Wrapper
* Integrated Rude Tweaker (allows live modification of values)
* Basic Skybox added to scene so you can see it is working
* Debug physics mode toggleable via single parameter (draw wireframes around all physics objects.
* Pre-compiled irrlicht (1.7) library files so no extra work is needed to get started
* Preset basic game structure with code laid out for updating physics, updating camera, drawing
* Preset Time values for maintaining animations during framerate changes
* Event Handler class integrated into and linked as responder for the device.
* Sample code demonstrating setting physics world up preset in
* Sample code demonstrating RudeTweaker preset in
* vector3df to btVector3 conversion functions integrated into to allow easier interaction between Bullet and Irrlicht
* quick function to get a btRigidBody's position in vector3df -> getV3Pos(rigidBody) integrated in
Hope this helps everyone get started