Thank You Wing64, but has anyone managed to use this HLSL shader successfully? The pixel shader keeps giving me compile errorwing64 wrote:Try this.![]()
pixel programCode: Select all
float4 fvAmbient; float4 fvLight1Color; float4 fvLight2Color; float4 fvLight3Color; float4 fvLight4Color; float fSpecularPower; float fSpecularStrength; float fBumpStrength; sampler2D baseMap : register(s0); sampler2D bumpMap : register(s1); struct PS_INPUT { float2 Texcoord : TEXCOORD0; float3 ViewDirection : TEXCOORD1; float3 LightDirection1 : TEXCOORD2; float3 LightDirection2 : TEXCOORD3; float3 LightDirection3 : TEXCOORD4; float3 LightDirection4 : TEXCOORD5; float4 LightDistMultiplier : TEXCOORD6; }; float4 pixelMain( in PS_INPUT IN ) : COLOR { float4 color = float4(0,0,0,0); float3 fvLightDirection1 = normalize( IN.LightDirection1 ); float3 fvLightDirection2 = normalize( IN.LightDirection2 ); float3 fvLightDirection3 = normalize( IN.LightDirection3 ); float3 fvLightDirection4 = normalize( IN.LightDirection4 ); float3 fvNormal = tex2D( bumpMap, IN.Texcoord ).yxz; fvNormal.xy*=2.0; fvNormal.xy-=1.0; fvNormal=(float3(0.0,0.0,1.0)-fvNormal)*fBumpStrength+fvNormal; fvNormal=normalize(fvNormal); float fNDotL1 = max(dot(fvNormal, fvLightDirection1),0.0)-0.1; float fNDotL2 = max(dot(fvNormal, fvLightDirection2),0.0)-0.1; float fNDotL3 = max(dot(fvNormal, fvLightDirection3),0.0)-0.1; float fNDotL4 = max(dot(fvNormal, fvLightDirection4),0.0)-0.1; float3 fvReflection1 = normalize( ( ( 2.0 * fvNormal ) ) - fvLightDirection1 ); float3 fvReflection2 = normalize( ( ( 2.0 * fvNormal ) ) - fvLightDirection2 ); float3 fvReflection3 = normalize( ( ( 2.0 * fvNormal ) ) - fvLightDirection3 ); float3 fvReflection4 = normalize( ( ( 2.0 * fvNormal ) ) - fvLightDirection4 ); float3 fvViewDirection = normalize( IN.ViewDirection ); float fRDotV1 = max( 0.0, dot( fvReflection1, fvViewDirection ) ); float fRDotV2 = max( 0.0, dot( fvReflection2, fvViewDirection ) ); float fRDotV3 = max( 0.0, dot( fvReflection3, fvViewDirection ) ); float fRDotV4 = max( 0.0, dot( fvReflection4, fvViewDirection ) ); float4 fvBaseColor = tex2D( baseMap, IN.Texcoord ); float4 fvTotalAmbient = fvAmbient * fvBaseColor; float4 fvTotalDiffuse = fvLight1Color * fNDotL1* fvBaseColor*IN.LightDistMultiplier[0]; float4 fvTotalSpecular = fNDotL1*fvLight1Color * ( pow( fRDotV1, fSpecularPower ) )*IN.LightDistMultiplier[0]; fvTotalDiffuse += fvLight2Color * fNDotL2* fvBaseColor*IN.LightDistMultiplier[1]; fvTotalSpecular += fNDotL2*fvLight2Color * ( pow( fRDotV2, fSpecularPower ) )*IN.LightDistMultiplier[1]; fvTotalDiffuse += fvLight3Color * fNDotL3* fvBaseColor*IN.LightDistMultiplier[2]; fvTotalSpecular += fNDotL3*fvLight3Color * ( pow( fRDotV3, fSpecularPower ) )*IN.LightDistMultiplier[2]; fvTotalDiffuse += fvLight4Color * fNDotL4* fvBaseColor*IN.LightDistMultiplier[3]; fvTotalSpecular += fNDotL4*fvLight4Color * ( pow( fRDotV4, fSpecularPower ) )*IN.LightDistMultiplier[3]; color=( fvTotalAmbient + fvTotalDiffuse+ (fvTotalSpecular*fSpecularStrength)); if(color.r>1.0){;} if(color.g>1.0){color.rb+=color.g-1.0;} if(color.b>1.0){color.rg+=color.b-1.0;} return color; }
error: X4502: 'texcoord' reference exceeds valid range for this shader model
If tried changing to video::EPST_PS_2_0 but then it gives another error:
HLSL pixel shader compilation failed:
(79)error X5608: compiled shader code uses too many arithmetic instruction slots
(117). Max. allowed by the target (ps_2_0) is 64.
(1)error X5609: compiled shader code uses too many instruction slots
(119). Max. allowed by the target (ps_2_0) is 96.
Any help/ideas would be hugely appreciated!