Irrlicht Lime is a .NET wrapper for Irrlicht Engine
there are 2 examples: L02.WinFormsWindow and L04.ParticleEmitterViewer which use handle of a panel for rendering, you can check how its done there.
In general, when you specify params->WindowID a real handle (not 0), then Irrlicht will use that handle for rendering, if its 0 (better use IntPtr.Zero) than Irrlicht will create new window for rendering.
Please check L02.WinFormsWindow example, or its main source file here: ... iew=markup
P.S.: if you still have problems, then post your source (as short as possible) that reproduces the problem and i will check it.
there are 2 examples: L02.WinFormsWindow and L04.ParticleEmitterViewer which use handle of a panel for rendering, you can check how its done there.
In general, when you specify params->WindowID a real handle (not 0), then Irrlicht will use that handle for rendering, if its 0 (better use IntPtr.Zero) than Irrlicht will create new window for rendering.
Please check L02.WinFormsWindow example, or its main source file here: ... iew=markup
P.S.: if you still have problems, then post your source (as short as possible) that reproduces the problem and i will check it.
Yes, i followed the 2nd tutorial (I Simply converted from c# to c++).
This is my code snippet:
This is my code snippet:
Code: Select all
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
IrrlichtLime::Core::Dimension2Di di(100,100);
IrrlichtLime::IrrlichtCreationParameters ^pa = gcnew IrrlichtCreationParameters();
pa->WindowID = this->panel1->Handle;
pa->DriverType = IrrlichtLime::Video::DriverType::OpenGL;
private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
private: System::Void backgroundRendering_DoWork(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e) {
BackgroundWorker ^ worker = reinterpret_cast<BackgroundWorker^>(sender);
IrrlichtLime::IrrlichtCreationParameters ^ pa = reinterpret_cast<IrrlichtCreationParameters^>(e->Argument);
// IrrlichtLime::IrrlichtCreationParameters ^ pa = (IrrlichtCreationParameters^)e;
//pa.WindowSize = di;a
IrrlichtDevice ^dev = IrrlichtDevice::CreateDevice(pa);
IrrlichtLime::Video::VideoDriver ^ drv = dev->VideoDriver;
IrrlichtLime::Scene::SceneManager ^ smgr = dev->SceneManager;
dev->GUIEnvironment->AddStaticText("Ti tiro una ceppa",gcnew Core::Recti(10,10,100,30));
IrrlichtLime::Scene::CameraSceneNode ^ cam = smgr->AddCameraSceneNode();
cam->Target = gcnew IrrlichtLime::Core::Vector3Df(0);
IrrlichtLime::Scene::SceneNodeAnimator ^ anim = smgr->CreateFlyCircleAnimator(gcnew IrrlichtLime::Core::Vector3Df(0, 15, 0), 30.0f);
SceneNode ^ cube = smgr->AddCubeSceneNode(20);
cube->SetMaterialTexture(0, drv->GetTexture("../media/wall.bmp"));
cube->SetMaterialTexture(1, drv->GetTexture("../media/water.jpg"));
cube->SetMaterialFlag(IrrlichtLime::Video::MaterialFlag::Lighting, false);
int lastFPS = -1;
dev->VideoDriver->BeginScene(true,true,gcnew IrrlichtLime::Video::Color(0,0,0));
int fps = drv->FPS;
if (lastFPS != fps)
worker->ReportProgress(fps, drv->Name);
lastFPS = fps;
private: void backgroundRendering_ProgressChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::ProgressChangedEventArgs^ e)
// process reported progress
int f = e->ProgressPercentage;
System::String ^d = (System::String^)e->UserState;
labelRenderingStatus->Text = System::String::Format("Rendering {1} fps using {0} driver",d, f);
irrBP - an Irrlicht - Bullet Physics Wrapper.
The only irrlicht-physics wrapper that uses multithread technology.
The only irrlicht-physics wrapper that uses multithread technology.
I didn't found nothing special in your code, and don't really know why you get different result than me.
I am using VS2008, next code:
produces next result (after i click on button1):

P.S.: maybe something out of this code, so if you want, you can PM me a link to zip with all the project, so i will open it in IDE and check.
I am using VS2008, next code:
Code: Select all
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
IrrlichtCreationParameters ^pa = gcnew IrrlichtCreationParameters();
pa->WindowID = this->panel1->Handle;
pa->DriverType = DriverType::OpenGL;
private: System::Void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e) {
BackgroundWorker ^ worker = reinterpret_cast<BackgroundWorker^>(sender);
IrrlichtCreationParameters ^ pa = reinterpret_cast<IrrlichtCreationParameters^>(e->Argument);
IrrlichtDevice ^dev = IrrlichtDevice::CreateDevice(pa);
dev->GUIEnvironment->AddStaticText("Ti tiro una ceppa", gcnew Recti(10,10,100,30));
CameraSceneNode ^cam = dev->SceneManager->AddCameraSceneNode();
cam->Target = gcnew Vector3Df(0);
SceneNodeAnimator ^anim = dev->SceneManager->CreateFlyCircleAnimator(gcnew Vector3Df(0, 15, 0), 30.0f);
SceneNode ^cube = dev->SceneManager->AddCubeSceneNode(20);
cube->SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag::Lighting, false);
dev->VideoDriver->BeginScene(true, true, gcnew Video::Color(0,100,200));

P.S.: maybe something out of this code, so if you want, you can PM me a link to zip with all the project, so i will open it in IDE and check.
Code: Select all
topMesh = scene.GetMesh("face_top.ms3d");
bottomMesh = scene.GetMesh("face_bottom.ms3d");
northMesh = scene.GetMesh("face_north.ms3d");
eastMesh = scene.GetMesh("face_east.ms3d");
southMesh = scene.GetMesh("face_south.ms3d");
westMesh = scene.GetMesh("face_west.ms3d");
Could not load mesh, because file could not be opened: : f
Could not load mesh, because file could not be opened: : f
Could not load mesh, because file could not be opened: : f
Could not load mesh, because file could not be opened: : f
Could not load mesh, because file could not be opened: : f
Could not load mesh, because file could not be opened: : f
looks like your MS3D files located in wrong folder. If you do not specify the path (and didn't added any virtual file systems, like path to media folder or ZIP archive), then your MS3D files must be located in the same directory with your applications EXE, Irrlicht.dll and IrrlichtLime.dll.
looks like your MS3D files located in wrong folder. If you do not specify the path (and didn't added any virtual file systems, like path to media folder or ZIP archive), then your MS3D files must be located in the same directory with your applications EXE, Irrlicht.dll and IrrlichtLime.dll.
I've got your archive.
Looks like you are using IrrlichtLime.dll with the lates released version - 0.8. BUT Irrlicht.dll is something that you took from other place. The problem is in this wrong dlls. Your Irrlicht.dll is 1.7.2, with file size = 2,670,592 bytes (looks like this is release build).
Lime with 0.8 uses Irrlicht 1.8.0-alpha. You can take release or debug dlls from (\irrlicht\dll\ of Lime SDK archive) its sizes 2,221,568 and 5,119,488 bytes respectively. If you use Lime, you must use only Irrlicht' DLLs provided with it OR you must rebuild all the Lime with new Irrlicht sources manually -- this is the only correct way.
Looks like you are using IrrlichtLime.dll with the lates released version - 0.8. BUT Irrlicht.dll is something that you took from other place. The problem is in this wrong dlls. Your Irrlicht.dll is 1.7.2, with file size = 2,670,592 bytes (looks like this is release build).
Lime with 0.8 uses Irrlicht 1.8.0-alpha. You can take release or debug dlls from (\irrlicht\dll\ of Lime SDK archive) its sizes 2,221,568 and 5,119,488 bytes respectively. If you use Lime, you must use only Irrlicht' DLLs provided with it OR you must rebuild all the Lime with new Irrlicht sources manually -- this is the only correct way.
This is just a wrapper around some (alot i believe so
) functionality of native Irrlicht. Its almost has nothing more than just an ability to be used in managed language (like c# and Lime doen't have batching either as native Irrlicht. You can find some working solutions here (in Project Announcements and Code Snippets), but this is all for C++ native engine. In Lime you need to implement something yourself.
I think, most real to implement is do drawing (of main big batch(s)) manually between BeginScene() and EndScene() using VideoDriver' DrawVertexPrimitiveList(). This way is most fast. Anyway, using SceneManager for really alot number of nodes is wrong way (either for implementaion in native Irrlicht).

I think, most real to implement is do drawing (of main big batch(s)) manually between BeginScene() and EndScene() using VideoDriver' DrawVertexPrimitiveList(). This way is most fast. Anyway, using SceneManager for really alot number of nodes is wrong way (either for implementaion in native Irrlicht).
Last edited by greenya on Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
thanks, that helped a LOTgreenya wrote:This is just a wrapper around some (alot i believe so) functionality of native Irrlicht. Its almost has nothing more than just an ability to be used in managed language (like c# and Lime doen't have batching either as native Irrlicht. You can find some working solutions here (in Project Announcements and Code Snippets), but this is all for C++ native engine. In Lime you need to implement something yourself.
I think, most real to implement is do drawing (of main big batch(s)) manually between BeginScene() and EndScene() using VideoDriver' DrawVertexPromitiveList(). This way is most fast. Anyway, using SceneManager for really alot number of nodes is wrong way (either for implementaion in native Irrlicht).

Creating vertices:
Code: Select all
private void addTopFace(int x, int y, int z)
uint i = (uint)vertexIndices.Count;
float gx = (x + chunkX * World.chunkSize) * Render.blockSize;
float gy = y * Render.blockSize;
float gz = (z + chunkZ * World.chunkSize) * Render.blockSize;
float hb = Render.blockSize / 2;
vertices.Add(new Vertex3D(
gx - hb,
gy + hb,
gz - hb));
vertices[vertices.Count - 1].Color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
vertices.Add(new Vertex3D(
gx - hb,
gy + hb,
gz + hb));
vertices[vertices.Count - 1].Color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
vertexIndices.Add(i + 1);
vertices.Add(new Vertex3D(
gx + hb,
gy + hb,
gz + hb));
vertices[vertices.Count - 1].Color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
vertexIndices.Add(i + 2);
vertices.Add(new Vertex3D(
gx + hb,
gy + hb,
gz - hb));
vertices[vertices.Count - 1].Color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
vertexIndices.Add(i + 3);
Code: Select all
while (device.Run())
//device.SetWindowCaption(driver.FPS.ToString() + " FPS");
driver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(100, 100, 255, 140));
for (int i = 0; i < World.worldSize / World.chunkSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < World.worldSize / World.chunkSize; j++)
if(World.worldChunks[i][j].getVertexIndices().Count > 0)
driver.DrawVertexPrimitiveList(World.worldChunks[i][j].getVertexList(), World.worldChunks[i][j].getVertexIndices(), PrimitiveType.Quads);
First) of all never do drawing before scene->drawAll(), unless you really need it. Do all your manual drawing before EndScene().
Second) I'm going to show 2 ways how to see vertex colors in action. Remember, vertex has color, but has no material (which defines how to use it), vertex has position, but has no transformation matrix, which inform VideoDriver where to move to draw your vertices, because they are part of the mesh, and only then - mesh part of the scene. So:
next code will draw the cube with different vertex colors (this code supposed to be entered before your device->Run loop):
This cube is only draws because of scene->drawAll() call. SceneNode is such high level thing, which takes care about transformation matrix for us and the material (actualy material is a part of the meshbuffer, which we are accessing in the code above).
next code will draw a single triangle with different vertex colors (this code consist of two parts: initalization (before device->Run loop) and actually drawing (before driver->EndScene)):
and drawing:
take careful look at the code just before DrawVertexPrimitiveList call. What it does? Right! We just sew a legs to our vertices, so they can run just like SceneNode do. We said to video driver that it must use material without lighting, and he must move "drawing pensil" to the origin. If you do not do SetTransform() - you will have some transformation from what scene->DrawAll() has left (you cannot predict). The same with the material.
Add FPS camera fly around and check.
This code produces:

Second) I'm going to show 2 ways how to see vertex colors in action. Remember, vertex has color, but has no material (which defines how to use it), vertex has position, but has no transformation matrix, which inform VideoDriver where to move to draw your vertices, because they are part of the mesh, and only then - mesh part of the scene. So:
next code will draw the cube with different vertex colors (this code supposed to be entered before your device->Run loop):
Code: Select all
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
MeshSceneNode X = scene.AddCubeSceneNode(100);
X.Position = new Vector3Df(-400, 0, -400);
X.GetMaterial(0).Lighting = false;
Vertex3D[] V = (Vertex3D[])X.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(0).Vertices;
for (int k = 0; k < V.Length; k++) V[k].Color = new Color(140 + k * 10, k * 20, k * 5);
X.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(0).UpdateVertices(V, 0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
next code will draw a single triangle with different vertex colors (this code consist of two parts: initalization (before device->Run loop) and actually drawing (before driver->EndScene)):
Code: Select all
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
List<Vertex3D> VERTICES = new List<Vertex3D>();
VERTICES.Add(new Vertex3D(-500, 0, -400, 0, 0, 0, new Color(100, 200, 120))); // using 3 different
VERTICES.Add(new Vertex3D(-700, 0, -400, 0, 0, 0, new Color(60, 240, 120))); // colors, because
VERTICES.Add(new Vertex3D(-600, 200, -400, 0, 0, 0, new Color(160, 140, 220))); // we want
List<uint> INDICES = new List<uint>();
INDICES.AddRange(new uint[] { 0, 2, 1 });
// ----------------------------------------------------------
Code: Select all
driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.World, Matrix.Identity);
Material m = new Material();
m.Lighting = false;
driver.DrawVertexPrimitiveList(VERTICES, INDICES);
Add FPS camera fly around and check.
This code produces: