I'm working on a project for the Playstation Portable(with LTE Irrlicht Port)
and it does not support any CameraSceneNodeFPS camera...
So i'm looking for a way to "recreate" that camera with a normal camerascenenode, or i atleast want to know how to manipulate the movement and targetting correctly,
so i can atleast focus it on certain models.
for the movement (not rotation)
i tried this: (well this is just an example of what i did)
Code: Select all
if(key.IsKeyDown(W)) {modelmovez -= 5;}
if(key.IsKeyDown(A)) {modelmovex -= 5;}
if(key.IsKeyDown(S)) {modelmovez += 5;}
if(key.IsKeyDown(D)) {modelmovex += 5;}
targetx = modelmovex;
targety = modelmovey;
targetz = modelmovez += 50;
i was hoping you guys could help me out...
thanks alot!