Shores of Hazeron - Hybrid MMO 4x game

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Shores of Hazeron - Hybrid MMO 4x game

Post by Grz- »

Just wanted to share that game which IMO is what i wanted for ages:


Let's Play series:

Game tutorial (also, look at game manual on the website): ... irIsth.pdf

It's a MMOG which blend multiples genres, for short:

Space Empires + EVE + Sim City + Spore = Shores of Hazeron

It is available both for Windows and Linux and is ~140mb.

The game is developped apparently since more than ten years by a very small team and is still in alpha stage (started in 2010), quite laggy/unoptimised and not very impressive graphically but it have an awesome depth/charm, also, it is updated each weeks. :)

It use lots of procedurally generated content (lifeforms, planets etc) and you can explore the universe seamlessly, the galaxy is huge and 'realistic', could take months to travel from one edge to another, fortunately when you create an empire, you spawn on a planet near others empires, so you don't feel alone forever... :D

I will quote the website:
Welcome to the Shores of Hazeron.

Shores of Hazeron is an ambitious and revolutionary game of science fiction adventure, intrigue, and war.

We took a new approach. No off-the-shelf 3D engine was used. We devoted years to developing entirely new methods and techniques. The result is the biggest most realistic and usable science fiction galaxy that has ever been attempted.

Are you tired of the air tight movie sets of contemporary 3D games? There are no places that are off-limits in Hazeron. Pick a direction and start to walk or swim or fly a riding beast or ride a dirt bike. At best you'll circle the globe and return to your starting point; more likely something will kill you and eat you along the way.

Have you ever wanted to play a game with no boundaries? There are no boundaries in Hazeron. Pick a nearby star in the sky and go there. Explore its planets and moons. Build cities and defenses. Expand your empire and prepare to meet the enemy.

Do you want to discover strange new worlds, beam down and see what's there? There are millions of worlds and trillions of plants and quadrillions of creatures in Hazeron that no person has ever seen, not even us. That's not a worn out movie set down below; it's a dense jungle on the coast of a continent; something lives there.

Have you dreamed about the starship you would drive? The Enterprise? Nostromo? The Millennium Falcon? A Death Star? Perhaps the Battlestar Galactica? Maybe a Borg cube is more your style? In Hazeron you design your own deck plans and lay out the systems of your spacecraft, balancing performance against capability, mass against force. Then you manufacture them and climb aboard.

Can you get together online with some friends to crew a starship for space battles? Prepare to engage the enemy first-hand. Shields up, 80% to front! Sensors on! Lock-on weapon bays and FIRE!

Would you play a massively multi player strategic space war game? This is a real game, the kind that can be won and lost. You develop an empire and interact with other players. Your empire can expand and win or be crushed out of existence. There are no safe areas, not even for us. Come on! Take us on in our own universe!

Shores of Hazeron is growing. The foundation of phase one is complete. We are entering the final stages of phase one. More and more of our efforts will now be directed toward graphical beauty, stability, and performance. Like a plant that germinated more than ten years ago, Shores of Hazeron is about to bloom.
Here are some screenshots:




Player designed spaceship:

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