Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

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Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by diho »

Hi everyone,

Some time ago I started a topic here because I had a problem with the basic movement of the fps camera. F.e. when I play the game on two different computers, on the first one I will jump 1meter, and on the other one 5.
I needed to use frame rate independent movement, so I did. But still my jump height isn't the same on every computer.

I have this outside the loop:

Code: Select all

   u32 then = device->getTimer()->getTime();

   // This is the movemen speed in units per second.
   const f32 MOVEMENT_SPEED = 50.0f;  // how fast camera moves
   const f32 ROTATION_SPEED   = 50.0f;   // how fast camera rotates
and this inside the loop:

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const u32 now = device->getTimer()->getTime();
      const f32 frameDeltaTime = (f32)(now - then) / 1000.f; // Time in seconds
      then = now;
world->stepSimulation(frameDeltaTime, 120);

            if ( receiver.keyDown(KEY_SPACE))
                camPos.Y += MOVEMENT_SPEED * frameDeltaTime;
What am I doing wrong, or better, what have I forgot?

thanks in advance,

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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by Elfinitiy »

Didn't your compiler give an error because you assign values to a "const" at run-time ?
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by diho »

No, it builds it just perfect. no errors
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by serengeor »

Elfinitiy wrote:Didn't your compiler give an error because you assign values to a "const" at run-time ?
He assigns the initial value and doesn't modify it later, so I think this is perfectly legal.

Your code looks kind of ok, but why do you use another vector for cam position (camPos)?
if the cam is a fps cam this could cause troubles, when you move the cam and jump.
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by hendu »

It looks pretty clear to me, you have no cap for the height. Thus the slower comp can jump to 50 meters.
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by diho »

because when I try to change the camera's Y directly, I get the error:

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error: assignment of data-member 'irr::core::vector3d<float>::Y' in read-only structure|
I tried to set a max height differents, by taking the start height, and compare it with that height + a var which contains the max jump height. But it became a bit messy. :?
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by serengeor »

diho wrote:@serengeor:
because when I try to change the camera's Y directly, I get the error:

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error: assignment of data-member 'irr::core::vector3d<float>::Y' in read-only structure|
Hm, then you are doing it wrong.
I assume you tried it something like:

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And that is wrong, because 'getAbsolutePosition' returns a 'const irr::core::vector3df' thus it is read only value.
What you can do instead is:

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cam->setPosition(cam->getAbsolutePosition()+irr::core::vector3df(0, jumpspeed,0));
Don't know if that will do anything about your problem.
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by diho »

thanks, no error this time. But just like u said, the problem isn't solved with this. :(
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by g0bl1n »

Why are you using a u32 for the now time? Try using an f32 and see if there is any difference, I'm pretty sure a(n?) u32 is like an int no?

Because I do this:

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f32 irrdt=0.0;
f32 irrdtOld=0.0;

Code: Select all

And everything works, and that u32 is the only thing that's different (that I can see).

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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by serengeor »

g0bl1n wrote:Why are you using a u32 for the now time? Try using an f32 and see if there is any difference, I'm pretty sure a(n?) u32 is like an int no?

Because I do this:

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f32 irrdt=0.0;
f32 irrdtOld=0.0;

Code: Select all

And everything works, and that u32 is the only thing that's different (that I can see).

hm, the u32 is an unsigned integer and it his code should work since getTime returns time in miliseconds and the type is also u32.
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by diho »

Tried to change it both in f32, but there's still the same problem :(.
Could it have something to do with the gravity I set with irrbullet?

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Why -70, well cause -10 didn't seem to be effecting anything. :?

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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by serengeor »

How in the world is gravity related to your camera's position??
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by diho »

It needs to be, otherwise my camera would get higher and higher. right? if I keep pressing my spacebar the camera wouldn't stop at some point. Or do I misunderstand something here?
I understand what you mean. (half xD) But what else should effect the camera when jumping if it isn't the gravity? I mean I'm not using the Skeymap for this part of the movement.
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by serengeor »

I don't get it :|
Is your camera atached to any rigid body?
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Re: Frame rate independent movement doesn't work?

Post by diho »

Yes/No, my rigidbody (charactermodel) has the camera as parent. Maybe that explains a lot xD, should have said that earlier I guess. Sorry :?
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