The problem is that the character rotates toward the mouse en that works but now when the mouse is in one of the four parts of the screen (see image for reference) the leg animation will be different.
Example: When the mouse is in part 1 and the D button is pressed the character will walk to the right and will face the cursor. Now it would walk sideways so a sideways animation would be shown. But when the mouse is not exactly in the middle of the image (width wise) in part 1 it would look a little bit odd. Now the legs should move 45 degrees everytime so they should be seperated from the body. now if the body is rotated 44 degrees then the cursor would be in part 1 and the body would face 0 degrees (straight up) then you would see that the torso isn't connected to the legs. So my question is how do I fix this problem?
A thing that I think could be done is that a row of vertices would be connected to the legs and body but this should be done in Irrlicht itself I think.
Thanks in advance.