Actually I have a airplane/ship flying.
Everything (for example movement following ship's direction) works ...except rotation.
I've tried:
irr::core::vector3df rotation_init; // <- the actual rotation of node with this code:
rotation_init = node.getRotation();
//rotation.X,Y,Z are the rotation of the node at the end
rotation.Y = rotation_init.Y + diffY; // YAW AXIS
rotation.Z = rotation_init.Z + diffZ; // PITCH AXIS
rotation.X = rotation_init.X + diffX; // ROLL AXIS
But not works, exactly works for the Y-axis (Yaw) around rotation, and X-axis (Roll) around rotation... but
Z Rotation (Pitching) work only if Roll Axis is parallel to Global X axis.
If Roll Axis is parallel to Global Z axis, the Z Rotation instead of Pitching, it Rolls too! And i don't understand why...
So i've tried a "solution" code (found in a thread in forum ... php?t=4680) about turn roll and pitch:
But not works! When rotating the ship around Y axis (or around Yaw Axis), it makes strange things like rotation around other axisvoid rotate(irr::scene::ISceneNode *node, irr::core::vector3df rot) //rot = the rotation to add
irr::core::matrix4 m;
irr::core::matrix4 n;
m *= n;
node->setRotation( m.getRotationDegrees() );
So actually my code (the first one) is the better working except for that error. Like the graphic engine use global axis instead of considering rotation around object's axis.
Any idea?
EDIT: The solution is:
Create an EmptySceneNode for each rotation, then parent them in the order you want to rotate. For example:
So the roll effect doesn't influence the other 2, and we use the first 2 like "spherical coordinates" or Elevation/Rotation.. and third, Roll, effect only himself.