Thanks for the reply
First I try to change the texture background color to RED, that display the line in RED color, and when I try to use power of 2 texture, it just same display.
Next I use a shader with tex2Dlod and set the filtering:
Code: Select all
Mat.setFlag( irr::video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false );
Mat.setFlag( irr::video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, false );
Mat.setFlag( irr::video::EMF_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER, false );
Code: Select all
PS_OUTPUT pixelMain( float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float4 Position : POSITION,
float4 Diffuse : COLOR0 )
float4 LOD;
LOD.xy = TexCoord;
LOD.z = 0;
LOD.w = 0;
Output.RGBColor = tex2Dlod( tex0, LOD ) * Diffuse;
return Output;
But it just still display the edges line
Then I change it without padding space, it seems works fine:
Used texture:
But in the other terrain that edges line are still displayed!
Used texture:
First I suspect the problem is texcoord wrong, but the implement tell me not.
And the line thickness always not seem like a 'pixel width':
Are someone have any ideas?
Thanks a lot!
Only point filtering and no anti-aliasing can display correctly.
But it's not my want, anti-aliasing can simulate it use shader, but I want to enable the Anisotropic Filtering.