+ lot of small corrections.
+ some functions renamed, for example getRelativePosition->getRelativeRect, setRelativePosition->setGeometry and etc are changed.
+ source structure is corrected, examples move to folder, .h move to "include" in root folde, now the structure of source codes like irrlicht's
+ projects for msvs2008, code::blocks and the qtcreator now identical by functional for Windows and linux.
+ animators code are partially repare.
+ context menu now use transparency animator when open\close. I plan to make possibility changed the animator type in runtime.
+ now classes RectI, Array, etc. aren't exported by library.
+ some types of data, for example NRP_ELEMENT_TYPE->WidgetType, usually capital letters write a macro, try syntax to more correct look.
It is completed widget by TreeView. The text of an element of a tree rendered in a texture, in future may possible use shaders for these textures.
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