Hello everyone
it's been a while that i was looking in how to export an animated mesh from blender to Irrlicht
finaly i found this plugin (b3d exporter) http://supertuxkart.svn.sourceforge.net ... sion=11861
but the problem is that after i exported my mesh, I tried to run it in irrlicht but the result is always messy and I don't why !
so here is my blender model :
aaammmsterdddam wrote:Why don't you just use an existing format like obj or 3ds?
Those who can read are clearly in advantage... He's looking for an animated mesh exporter, and you only named (for Irrlicht at least) static formats.
@st0ph: Check the forums for the proper settings you need to have for the b3d export from blender. Many here used this exporter successfully. Maybe also ask in the STK forums, they should know how to do it.
@hybird thanks for the quick responce
I did used the b3d exporter mentioned in the forum and it worked
but problem is that when I load the AnimatedMesh with code or with MeshViewer exemple, it gives me only the half of my caracter untextured !!
I'm confused, is it because of the exporter or is it my bad blender modeling skills ?
These problems often arise from certain things used during modeling, which are not properly exported into the file format. I'm no modeler, though, so I cannot tell you which things to do in order to get a correct output.
If your normals aren't aligned right, the textures would be drawn the wrong way. Another thing is if you used something like a 'mirror' modifier it might only be showing it properly in Blender, you might need to bake the modifier to get the geometry actually existing. On top of all that, if you used a single texture for half of the model and then mirrored it, that can have bad issues with lighting and stuff, if they apply a single lightmap for a texture (single geometry is overlapping UV space which can throw off lighting systems)
I could export it and load it in irrlicht only as a single object. If you have multiple object in blender it will create artifacts in irrlicht if you won't join it. I use 2.61. There might be some other way to export as b3d without joining it but I never tried to find it since I only work with x format.
EDIT: your model is perfectly fine. Just apply mirror modifier before exporting.
With your help I have managed to export my terrain from blender as .obj file to cuppercub, where I have added the lights, the sky and other effects after that i exported the scene as a .irr file which i imported with scenemanager->loadScene("terrain.irr");
Thanks everyone.
Happy coding ^^