I once again participated in the Ludum Dare competition, a competition to create a game in 48 hours from scratch. The theme this time was: You're the villain.
My concept was created in half an hour in which I was reminded about all those bad guys always trying to destroy the Earth but always lose and end up in jail or something. Not this time, this time you're the villain and a game without winning is not fun. So, this time you, the villain, will blow up the Earth starting with the two cities on your TODO list, New York and Philadelphia. Because in those Hollywood movies they're always so easily tricked. Never saw a movie were they do that in Brussel or Amsterdam ^^
Obviously the heroes try to interrupt your evil plans but you found a way to lock them in the dockingbay were they try to cut the door. This gives you the time to go destroying the Earth. Sadly your station is not fit for such powerful ray and it starts to collapse.
Command your drones to repair the station as you try to blast Earth back to the medieval.
* Wall panels with an interactive core damage meter
* Interactive mini map and keypad
* Fire button
* 6 repair drones
* Several rooms
Ludum Dare entry page
Download windows version
Download source version
Tools used:
Irrlicht 1.8, Irrklang, Illustrator, Photoshop, Audacity, Anvil, Visual Studio 2012
If anyone could setup a makefile/project for compiling it under a linux version! I would be glad! I normally use MS Visual studio and windows...
You're the villain - 48 hour game - LudumDare25 competition
Re: You're the villain - 48 hour game - LudumDare25 competit
Very nice for 48 hours result.
You are the man!
You are the man!