Advise algorithm
Advise algorithm
Advise algorithm. How rapidly determine whether a point is inside or outside of the mesh.
Re: Advise algorithm
I don't think there is an easy and fast solution for this. Without reading up, my first guess would be that you try to split your mesh into convex sub-meshes. Then you can check if a point is on the same side of all triangles for each of the sub-meshes. But probably there's optimized algorithms out there for that stuff.
So easiest solution - find a lib that supports that. Physics libraries often come with collision libraries, so you can check if one of those supports that.
But if it's for realtime re-consider even trying to find that out. In realtime you work usually instead with simple collision-meshes (boxes, spheres, ellipsoids).
So easiest solution - find a lib that supports that. Physics libraries often come with collision libraries, so you can check if one of those supports that.
But if it's for realtime re-consider even trying to find that out. In realtime you work usually instead with simple collision-meshes (boxes, spheres, ellipsoids).
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Re: Advise algorithm
convex decomposition plus convex detection is the simplest approach to perform an inside/outside test
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt
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Re: Advise algorithm
Your mesh needs to be divided up into sub-regions, even if not sub-meshes. Personally, I would divide my mesh into smaller and smaller regions (up to a point of good optimization at least) - possibly with layers of division, if that makes sense - until I could reduce the collision algorithm to something simple like "is it within the radius" - a whole lot faster than checking "is it passed the triangle).
I've already started on something like this and created basic implementations, but mostly all I have are abstract classes. It'd take awhile for me to code up an example of their usage with irrlicht meshes.
Edit: And I have no idea what convex decomposition is, so I'm looking it up.
Edit 2: I forgot to mention something very important to my implementation: I use "centers", which are basically the centers of the simple regions (like spheres), and I determine which of these "centers" the point of interest is nearest to. Then I can do a simple radius comparison (or something like that, depending on the shape of the simple region).
I've already started on something like this and created basic implementations, but mostly all I have are abstract classes. It'd take awhile for me to code up an example of their usage with irrlicht meshes.
Edit: And I have no idea what convex decomposition is, so I'm looking it up.
Edit 2: I forgot to mention something very important to my implementation: I use "centers", which are basically the centers of the simple regions (like spheres), and I determine which of these "centers" the point of interest is nearest to. Then I can do a simple radius comparison (or something like that, depending on the shape of the simple region).
Re: Advise algorithm
If your mesh is roughly prism shaped, you can use the boundingbox
Re: Advise algorithm
Ok Thanks all
Re: Advise algorithm
some code from the 3dsMax SDK.... it uses there internal structure but should be pretty easy to port
it assumes the mesh is continuous with no holes
the conversion to Irrlicht may look something like this (please note this is untested, i did a quick bit of code as i thought you maybe unfamiliar with the internal structures of max)
Code: Select all
BOOL IsBadFace(Mesh* mesh, int index)
DbgAssert(index >= 0); DbgAssert(index < mesh->numFaces);
return ((mesh->faces[index].flags & FACE_WORK) ? TRUE : FALSE);
bool IsFaceAboveOrigin(Point3 v1, Point3 v2, Point3 v3)
// defines if interior of the given face is above Point3::Origin
Point3 a = v2 - v1;
Point3 b = v3 - v1;
double det0 = double(a.x)*b.y - double(a.y)*b.x;
double det1 = double(v1.y)*b.x - double(v1.x)*b.y;
if (det1 == 0.0) return false;
double x = det1/det0;
if (x <= 0.0) return false;
double det2 = double(a.y)*v1.x - double(a.x)*v1.y;
if (det2 == 0.0) return false;
double y = det2/det0;
if (y <= 0.0) return false;
if (x+y >= 1.0) return false;
double z = v1.z + x*a.z + y*b.z;
return ( z > 0.0);
bool IsPointInsideMesh(Mesh* mesh, Point3 p)
// the method finds number of faces that are above the given point
// if the number is odd then the point is considered "inside" the mesh
// therefore the mesh doesn't have to have closed surface
int numAbove = 0;
for(int i=0; i<mesh->getNumFaces(); i++) {
if (IsBadFace(mesh, i)) continue;
if (IsFaceAboveOrigin( mesh->verts[mesh->faces[i].v[0]] - p,
mesh->verts[mesh->faces[i].v[1]] - p,
mesh->verts[mesh->faces[i].v[2]] - p) )
return ((numAbove % 2) == 1);
the conversion to Irrlicht may look something like this (please note this is untested, i did a quick bit of code as i thought you maybe unfamiliar with the internal structures of max)
Code: Select all
bool IsFaceAboveOrigin(vector3df v1, vector3df v2, vector3df v3)
vector3df a = v2 - v1;
vector3df b = v3 - v1;
double det0 = double(a.X)*b.Y - double(a.Y)*b.X;
double det1 = double(v1.Y)*b.X - double(v1.X)*b.Y;
if (det1 == 0.0) return false;
double x = det1/det0;
if (x <= 0.0) return false;
double det2 = double(a.Y)*v1.X - double(a.x)*v1.Y;
if (det2 == 0.0) return false;
double y = det2/det0;
if (y <= 0.0) return false;
if (x+y >= 1.0) return false;
double z = v1.Z + x*a.Z + y*b.Z;
return ( z > 0.0);
bool IsPointInsideMeshBuffer(SMeshBuffer* meshbuffer, vector3df& p)
int numAbove = 0;
int numindices = meshbuffer->getIndexCount();
u16* indices = meshbuffer->getIndices();
S3DVertex* verts = (S3DVertex*)meshbuffer->getVertices();
for(int i=0; i < numindices; i+=3)
if (IsFaceAboveOrigin( verts[indices[i]].pos - p,
verts[indices[i+1]].pos - p,
verts[indices[i+2]].pos - p) )
return ((numAbove % 2) == 1);
Re: Advise algorithm
it's work fine but some points shows as inside.
Code: Select all
IMeshBuffer* meshBuffer=o_mesh->getMeshBuffer(0);
printf("%i \n",o_mesh->getMeshBufferCount());
printf("%f %f %f \n", meshbox.MinEdge.X,meshbox.MinEdge.Y,meshbox.MinEdge.Z);
printf("%f %f %f \n", meshbox.MaxEdge.X,meshbox.MaxEdge.Y,meshbox.MaxEdge.Z);
f32 delta_x=(meshbox.MaxEdge.X-meshbox.MinEdge.X)/size_x;
f32 delta_y=(meshbox.MaxEdge.Y-meshbox.MinEdge.Y)/size_y;
f32 delta_z=(meshbox.MaxEdge.Z-meshbox.MinEdge.Z)/size_z;
for(int xx = 0; xx <= size_x; xx = xx + 1)
for(int yy = 0; yy <= size_y; yy = yy + 1)
for(int zz = 0; zz <=size_z; zz = zz + 1){
int index=xx+yy*(size_x+1)+zz*(size_x+1)*(size_y+1);
core::vector3df testpoint=core::vector3df(meshbox.MinEdge.X+xx*delta_x,meshbox.MinEdge.Y+yy*delta_y,meshbox.MinEdge.Z+zz*delta_z);
if(IsPointInsideMeshBuffer(meshBuffer, testpoint)) {
ISceneNode* kr=smgr->addCubeSceneNode(0.02f);
Re: Advise algorithm
guess you'll have to look at those with the debugger and see what's what
Re: Advise algorithm
You wanted rapid so that always comes at the expense of accuracy. If your object is spherical, you can use boundingbox to determine it's radius at load time, and then do a distance calculation instead.Jinto wrote:Advise algorithm. How rapidly determine whether a point is inside or outside of the mesh.
Re: Advise algorithm
I'm trying to make a quick algorithm, using technology based on Marching Cubes to obtain the low-poly LOD mesh . To do this, for any meshes need to get the points cloud inside the initial mesh.
Re: Advise algorithm
I've run that code I posted (the max variation) and I cannot get the code to error and on some pretty varied and whacky meshes. It seems from here it does a pretty good job though not particularly swiftly.
Re: Advise algorithm
it would be more helpful if you posted the original mesh.
Re: Advise algorithm
Let's try meshes from ... od#p267311