Load lights from files (dae, 3ds, b3d,...)

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Re: Load lights from files (dae, 3ds, b3d,...)

Post by CuteAlien »

Maybe others can help better with that. I've not used Blender for a larger project yet, so I only used it for very simple exports (and for scenes I use self-written editors).
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Re: Load lights from files (dae, 3ds, b3d,...)

Post by hendu »

Collada is a horrible format, where no two editors agree on how to speak it. Avoid if you value sanity.
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Re: Load lights from files (dae, 3ds, b3d,...)

Post by CuteAlien »

@hendu: Yeah, it's the worst scene format there is - except all the other certainly. I've used Collada a lot recently and you are right that no 2 tools handle it the same, but still it's the only format which you can get more or less working in nearly every tool. And I fear when it comes to exporting scenes from Blender to Irrlicht it might the closest to a working solution.
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Re: Load lights from files (dae, 3ds, b3d,...)

Post by Mel »

Collada is designed to be an exchange format, but it is open, so everyone uses it how it is best for them. It should be more uniform.
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Re: Load lights from files (dae, 3ds, b3d,...)

Post by CuteAlien »

Collada has a rather good documenation. It's only so complex that it's very hard to implement fully. And despite it's complexity it's unfortunately still missing some stuff like texture matrices, so people add custom extensions. But this problem here is mainly that we use a meshloader for sceneloading. It's better than not supporting it at all, but can certainly be improved.
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Re: Load lights from files (dae, 3ds, b3d,...)

Post by d3jake »

Kiristu wrote: ... but b3d does not support lights, so I select only lights and export in dae ...
Not directly, no... I use the .b3d format for my levels. We use animation bones to determine placement of powerups, and light objects. The trick is to name the bone as to what you need it for. You can name a node "light_255-255-255-20" if you wanted a white light, with a radius of 20 units. We use a simplier system of naming the bones for the correct powerup and then read in the bones one by one, and place what's needed where it's needed.
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