No its not limited to render just a single mesh...
Just take a look to the GUIScene.h and you will see this functions:
Code: Select all
ISceneManager *GetScene(void);
ICameraSceneNode *GetCamera(void);
void SetOptimalCamDistToNode (ISceneNode *aNode);
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* setMesh (IAnimatedMesh *aMesh = 0, bool updateOptimalCamDist = true);
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* setMesh (stringw aFileName, bool updateOptimalCamDist = true);
void enableMouseRot (bool aEnable);
In the Demo only the setMesh and the enableMouseRot functions are used so show the standard Case of using it as "Mesh-Showcase"
So if you want to use it in an other way you can easily doo this by using the GetScene function to get a Pointer to the ISceneManager of the GUIScene.
By using this Pointer you can setup your sceene as already known.
The SetOptimalCamDistToNode function allows you to focus anny node of the Scene you have created. It Calculates the optimal Position for the Camera to show the whole node in the GuiScenes Clipping-rect based on the boundingbox of the given node.