Hi CuteAlien!
Anything that could "update" the triangle selector when the geometry is being modified would be appreciated!
First one to rebuild triangles completely, second one would only update position (no new memory allocations)
By updating position you mean update the vertices position?
Is there some kind of "match" between the indices (vertices) in the triangle selector and in the mesh geometry? Having a direct access to to them (vertices) and if they would match the geometry would permit to update only the changed vertices (delta). This could also be used in vertice animations when we only store the "delta" of the vertices and this "delta" information would be used to change the geometry of the triangle selector....
I don't know how we could achieve that yet, but if we could do that perhaps we could find a way to import "morphs" inside Irrlicht to create vertex animation blended with bones animation. The vertex animation could be used for character expression...
But for my current need, I change the geometry of a subdivided plane in real time (terrain editor), and updating the triangle selector at the same time would allow me to keep it "real time" all the way and not recalculate the triangle selector when the user release the mouse button. (Get the object vertices Y position while it being modified for getting an approximate value for the "brush reference", but I find it ugly.)
I will evaluate the method proposed by chronologicaldot for the moment, but any change the Irrlicht team could do to improve this in the next version, will be used, as I update the library in our project at each new release.