Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by devsh »

we are really clamping down on:

Render Targets (FBO hash pool)
finding optimal vertex format
binding vertices differently
Uniform updates (no uniform blocks any time soon)

Introducing texture buffer objects (for different sampling of the same texture)

most important addition will be Transform Feedback buffers and Indirect Rendering
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by devsh »

obviously there are all these openGL profiling tools that really dont live up to their promises in Linux

so we will implement OpenGL GPU-side timer queries
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

Blocks and Constructions can be connected by signal lines. They can be affected and controlled in many ways, by easily connecting them.
Functional blocks and constructions like timers, doors, elevators, pressure plates, springs, pistons, conveyor belts, buttons, switches, controller blocks, radiotransmitters, weapons, railroad tracks, trains, traffic signals and lots more.








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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

Blocks that falls fast, will become rubble, when they hit the ground. Rubble slides like sand.




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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

Also an extensive Player-ranking and achievement system is in the works, and also mission/scenariomode which will allow for players to play PvP, teams vs teams, and choose rules by simple click on/off any of the many rules to choose from.
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

testing stuff...

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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

We are about ready with a new update. Too many things to mention here, but
among things is an option to Publish and Share models in the game or via the website.

All users can browse models and use them.
Good work from Laust Nielsen and Adrian A.


This model 'Industrial Area' is made of smaller models, and put together as a large model.
You can click 'Use' and then paste at will or rotate it as you wish in the world, and mix it with other
models or make new ones. Actually same functions as a texteditor: Cut, Copy, Paste,
Replace, Delete osv. Simpel. Perfect code by Michael Larsen.

The entire 'Industrial Area' model (see below) took about 3 hours to make, from other models (buildings etc.)

The Models contains power-wires, doors, Signal Lines (Control blocks, wires etc.)














Here the model is pasted into the landscape, and yes we just had to blow it up :-)
Build A World also got a gravity-system-update.
LEGO go home ;-)



We are also working on a player-ranking-system... screenshots are DRAFT.
Ranking can only be obtained in Survival Mode.




In the next update we also have Signal Lines, which gives possibility to control all sorts of stuff.

Next is development of PvP. Player against player, team against team.
A game could be:
1) Plant strawberries, make sure to water them and harvest 500 strawberries first.
2) World of Tanx like map, with several teams in a city. The players can drive around and
destroy, in the fully destructable city, where things can crash down and burn, in search and
battle of eachother.
3) Capture the flag.
etc. etc.

We are looking at CUDA integration. ... io-edition
That would kick ass to offload to the GPU.

Huge thanx to Yez (BAW QA Lead) for really good work.

Full throttle!

"Intel's chips violate OpenGL more than Java violates common sense"
- Mat K. (BAW Shader Developer)
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

OpenCL yes... but CUDA has 100% integration with the compiler, so you can basically just do __function__ and the functions runs on gpu. Dev time is very small. Anyway, will try it out.

seasons, plants, farming, moist etc., is planned for later.

the game will get cars, planes, tanx, trains, air ballons etc.

after more functional blocks, first wave of weapons will get in, yes. Anything from a gun, to fully automated missile systems :-)

All maps can be used for PvP. Rules for each PvP game will come from a clickable ruleset, so you can mix and match a win-rule etc.
For example: collect 100 strawberrries, protect the nuclear powerplant for 30 minutes and destroy at least half the other team... stuff like that. (doesnt have to be as wierd as that, but point is, that rules can be mixed for a 'win-situation'.

We are also considering a plugin-type thing... but dont want it to be so free, that servers are modded, so that players with different kinds of mods, can play eachother.
Ideas how to handle this is welcome.
A plugin idea is also to have a general txt format for maps., so you can deliver a txt file, and the game will read in and show the world. The world could come from google maps, OpenMap or labyrinth generator etc. Anybody wanna try this ?

Wanna join the BAW project? Let me know. Only serious. Can email me here.
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by devsh »

client and LAN servers get OpenCL for the reasons jCharler mentioned

our cloud servers can use CUDA since we can deal with being locked down to NVidia Tesla's (GPGPU hosting services offer NVIDIA mostly)
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

New bunch of pictures of the next version. Here the big cities with more buildings and doors etc.

click for gallery ... 875&type=1

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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »



guess its soon time to release the World of Tanx in the cities, and teams :lol:
lots of work has gone into getting gravity to work instantly, and fall smootly even with 100.000+ blocks
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by thanhle »

Shadow of the destroyed tower doesn't update in realtime on video 2.
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

thanhle wrote:Shadow of the destroyed tower doesn't update in realtime on video 2.
no, thats impossible for now. Maybe later :-)
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

visiting a nuclear powerplant

The nuclear powerplant works with water, uranium rods, pipes, pumps, steam turbine etc. Users can design and build their own nuclear powerplants. This plant provides 6 million watts to the entire big city via interconnected powerlines. Everything is dynamic and can be changed and modified on the fly.
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Re: Build A World - new massive game, using Irrlicht

Post by sodandk »

Yes, when Michael, one of our developers is ready with player-level and ranking, he will move onto
scenario/mission-mode. All of your above comments will be there, and more.
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